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City Council kicks off budget/CIP process at June 11 meeting

2024-2025 Budget and Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) process kicks off

Council heard presentations from Public Works, the Fire Department, and the Police Department regarding their budget requests for FY2024-25. Jepson pointed out that this is a high-level summary of the projects with various funding sources. 

The council will review the proposals during its next two meetings. As the budget returns to the Council during the planning process, more information will be presented on the proposals.

Public Works CIP Proposed Projects

Public Works Director John Angulo presented his department’s proposed projects and requests. Potential funding sources and opportunities include the WIFA loan and water conservation grant programs, the USDA, partnerships, the Army Corps of Engineers, Congressional direct spending, development cost recovery, and impact fees, various grant programs, ADOT, and the Arizona Water Company IGA.

“This is part of the growing pains of trying to achieve a better future for the amenities we want to achieve and deliver. It’s a cost of doing business.” – Councilman Mariano Gonzalez.

Citywide Infrastructure Improvements

  • Flow meters installation. Flow meters for the sewer system will help identify infiltration, particularly in the Northeast Corridor. The system will help address infiltration issues that contribute to increased sewer plant treatment volumes.
  • Cemetery expansion. This project is shovel-ready, pending funding. Rick Engineering has completed the design.
  • La Mesa Terrace/Evans Street waterline replacement. The city is addressing ongoing issues due to aging infrastructure.
  • Historic building upgrades. These consist of required upgrades for buildings on the historic register, such as the Old Courthouse and CVS building. Necessary repairs include woodwork and elevator upgrades. The goal is to build up an ongoing maintenance fund.

Northeast Corridor Development

  • Current project. Phase 1 of the waterline replacement is underway.
  • Proposed projects. Waterline replacement phase 2 and sewer line extensions are proposed as the City seeks to expand infrastructure to support future growth.
  • Annexation. Expansion in the Northeast Corridor and tying into existing residences and facilities in the area will mean additional maintenance responsibility for the City.

Preparing for Additional Development 

  • General Plan update. It proposes to conduct a general plan update to position the city to seize all possible development opportunities.
  • A citywide water and sewer master plan is also necessary to facilitate development opportunities for the city.
  • A water rate and fee study would help ensure City fees meet cost recovery goals
  • A capacity fee study will help ensure developers pay their fair share of the growth costs.

Councilman Rios mentioned the need to make improvements as waterline projects are performed so that the City is building for the needs of the future rather than just the needs of the present. This would include, for example, upgrading to larger-capacity water lines whenever there is the opportunity, so that over time, the system’s overall capacity is increased.

“One of the things that the City of Globe has done very well is positioning ourselves so that when the opportunities arrive, we’re ready to handle them.” City Manager Paul Jepson

Sustainable Water Supply

  • The current CIP provides for the purchase and replacement of AMI meters, a waterlines material inventory, and waterlines replacement, all utilizing water conservation grant funds. Water lines at Daybreak and on Fourth Street at the East Globe School are targeted for replacement. 
  • The current CIP also includes a water sustainability study and aquifer capacity assessment.
  • The budgeted CIP provides for waterline replacement at the US 60/77 junction.

Long-term Wastewater Treatment Capacity

  • The current CIP covers increasing the quality of effluent to A+ and installing a bar screen.
  • Waterwater will be participating in the sewer masterplan study, and sewer will be an element in the General Plan update.

Maintain Regulatory Compliance

  • Public Works yard remediation – Continuing efforts with ADEQ to remediate and eventually close this site.
  • PFAS contamination management – Addressing PFAS contamination at the Pine Street well. That well has been removed from service. The City is also considering remediation options at HAV Properties and the August Hills mobile home park, collaborating with ADEQ.
  • Silver King remediation – Funding will come from ADEQ.

Asphalt, Bridges, and Sidewalks

    • The current CIP includes the following projects:
      • Downtown Broad Street sidewalk improvements – currently out to bid for design.
      • Safe Street Grant – Funding has been received.
      • Jesse Hayes Sidewalk Improvements – Council will hear a presentation soon.
      • Hill Street Corridor – From Barnett Delaney to US 60, includes sidewalks and signage.
      • Connie’s Bridge – Project is ongoing.
      • Cottonwood Bridge – Also moving ahead after some delays.
    • CIP proposed projects include:
      • Yuma Bridge is currently on hold due to funding issues.
      • Sidewalk replacement construction – This will follow the sidewalk design for downtown.
      • Priority sidewalk replacement – Due to aging sidewalks in the City.
  • Asphalt, chip/fog seal, and striping program
  • Dirt/substandard road paving program

Parks and Recreation Enhancements

  • Outdoor exercise equipment – Installing new equipment and improving accessibility.
  • Skate Park facility upgrades – Funds to come from CDBG. 
  • Water bottle filling stations – Strategic placement throughout downtown and parks.
  • Concession stand at Community Pool – Enhancing facilities around the pool area for better service.
  • Besh ba Gowah Park revitalization – Phase one is in progress, with updates forthcoming.

Capital Equipment Replacement Plan

  • Jetter truck replacement. The truck is essential for maintaining the sewer system and reducing emergency call-out costs. The City is considering purchase over lease for cost-effectiveness. Jepson said this item could be funded this year out of the Wastewater fund balance.
  • Future CIP proposals: 
    • Grader
    • Front loader
    • Vehicle replacement program for Water and Wastewater
    • Skid steer for the cemetery
    • Sweeper

Fire Department CIP Requests

  • Fall and escape harnesses – Essential for firefighter safety during high-rise operations and rescues.
  • Battery-operated chainsaws and circular saws – The department is transitioning from gas-powered to battery-operated tools for efficiency and reduced maintenance costs. 
  • Battery-operated vent fans – Fans are used to evacuate smoke from buildings. Battery operated fans take up much less space on the truck 
  • Hose replacement – Budgeting for the replacement of failing hose segments to ensure operational readiness.
  • Extrication tools – Seeking grants for battery-operated extrication tools to enhance rescue capabilities.
  • Forcible entry door prop – A tool for training firefighters in gaining entry to buildings efficiently and safely.
  • Exhaust removal equipment – Exploring various solutions to reduce firefighters’ exposure to carcinogens from diesel exhaust.
  • Ladder truck replacement – Addressing the urgent need to replace the aging ladder truck, which has been out of service for 5½ months due to parts unavailability. 

Police Department CIP Requests

  • Force-on-force training equipment – Airsoft weapons for realistic training scenarios, to include handguns, rifles, sights, extra magazines, ammunition, and an airtank and charger.
  • Drone program – Implementing a drone program for tactical advantages in search and rescue, accident scene diagramming, and surveillance. 
  • Defensive tactics equipment – Acquiring redman suits for safe and effective training.
  • Storage conex for evidence facility – Adding storage and shelving for evidence and police equipment due to limited space in the current facility.
  • Fencing for evidence/impound lot expansion – Enhancing the impound lot with better lighting, surveillance, and more space.
  • Patrol vehicles – Ongoing need for new patrol vehicles to replace aging units. The department seeks two Ford F150s and will need to upfit them. 

Library, IT, Development Services, and Active Adult Center Requests

  • Library patio completion – Additional concrete and fencing are needed to complete the patio project.
  • IT network equipment replacement – New equipment is needed to ensure the stability of the city’s IT infrastructure.
  • Development Services CitizenServe implementation – Advanced permit tracking software will help departments coordinate and will accommodate future growth.
  • New 9-seat van for the Active Adult Center—A recent donation will fund the AAC’s acquisition of a new van, which will improve transportation services.

Community Pool makes changes to improve safety, sets new hours

Pool manager Lisa Fletcher presented the Community Pool’s steps to enhance safety and community at the pool, as well as new hours starting on Sunday, June 16.

Concerning safety, Fletcher made the following points:

1. Age Policy for Children: The pool’s policy now requires children under 10 to be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. This measure ensures parents or guardians are responsible for their children’s supervision and safety.

2. Lifeguard Training: Lifeguards undergo bi-weekly in-service training, focusing on real-life rescue scenarios, emergency drills, and professional development in customer service. Lifeguards have access to a crash kit and receive AED training. There is a focus on professional development and improving customer service. The pool currently employs 24 lifeguards.

3. Emergency Preparedness: Lifeguards practice using rescue tubes, backboards, and other equipment during training sessions. They also perform a 20-meter swim weekly to maintain physical fitness and readiness. The cashier will be CPR-certified.

4. Equipment and Communication: Lifeguards are equipped with durable, waterproof two-way radios to communicate effectively. This ensures they can coordinate and respond quickly to incidents.

5. Supervision and Policy Enforcement: Cashiers at the pool are instructed to monitor children exiting the pool area to ensure they are not leaving without a parent or guardian.

6. Collaboration with Authorities: The pool management works with the county attorney to ensure that any misbehavior is addressed seriously, emphasizing the importance of a safe and secure environment for all patrons. Councilman Gonzalez said he would personnally monitor to ensure this is happening.

New hours in effect

Current open swim hours are Monday – Sunday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Proposed new hours are Sunday – Thursday 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. and Friday – Saturday 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Jepson said pool staff had initially thought a midday break would be needed to allow for maintenance, but they found the pool could operate continuously from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. without a break while still effectively managing crowds and maintenance.

Fletcher said many people had requested adult lap swimming, so new lap swim hours are proposed for Friday 8:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. and Monday – Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. These hours are necessary due to the Piranha Swim Team practices. The Piranha Swim Team practices Monday – Thursday 7:00 a.m. – 8 or 8:30 a.m., necessitating morning closures.

“Balancing fun and fairness, we’re limiting the number of private events to ensure more availability for public enjoyment. We’re prioritizing community access and ensuring everyone gets a chance at the pool.” – Pool manager Lisa Fletcher

Fletcher said that the 10:00 a.m. hour is currently slow, and peak attendance occurs at 4:00 p.m. The pool averages 219 people arriving in the four o’clock hour, mainly families.

Fletcher pointed out that weekend private events are limited to ensure public access. Priority is given to community-focused events, and special event permits may be required for larger gatherings. Continuous improvements include seeking a water aerobics instructor as well as a certified swim instructor to provide swimming lessons, and exploring options for outdoor lockers.

There is a community board to keep patrons informed, and the pool maintains a lost and found service. Fletcher encourages people to come in and claim lost belongings.

Incident at Community Center under investigation

Commander Haynes of the Globe Police Department updated Council on an incident that took place at the Community Center on May 31. Commander Haynes said two young women were asked by a man to help him work on his vehicle. The individual then approached the girls again, they declined, and he angrily left the scene. In the process he damaged a stone wall and his vehicle.

Haynes said swimming pool staff had been aware of what was happening in the parking lot, and reported the incident. Police officers responded and looked at video to get a description of the person. An officer later encountered the vehicle, identified the driver, and took him into custody.

The Globe PD criminal investigations unit has taken on the case. A report will be sent to the county attorney’s office for review and that office will make a determination on what charges might follow.

Commander Haynes and Chief Walter met with Public Works Director John Angulo and Mr. Uriel to determine how security and safety could be improved at the community center. As a result, all PD supervisors will be able to get access to surveillance equipment in case of need.

The PD offers training for pool staff on situations that could potentially arise, and that training will be continued and enhanced.

Silver King Building Update

The Silver King building, located in Globe’s historic district, partially collapsed recently after three windy days. The City contacted ADEQ for assistance with shoring it up and is now awaiting final approval from ADEQ to proceed with demolition.

According to Globe’s Grants Manager, Connie Callaway, the rules for emergency demolition in EPA Region 9, which the city is a part of, changed just one week before the Silver King building’s partial collapse. EPA Region 9 has 30 days to investigate the building’s historical value. Travis Barnum from ADEQ is closely monitoring this project, and once he receives the results from EPA and SHPO, he will have the approval to use State emergency funds for the demolition.

According to Callaway, Brownfield grants will be activated to assist with the demolition since the building needs to be abated at the same time. Until the Silver King building receives the go-ahead for demolition, the City will pay the rental fees for the shoring. The City has allocated funds for the shoring and fencing costs. This project is estimated to cost around $85,000, and Callaway noted that the City appreciates the support it has received from ADEQ.

Regarding safety, due to the narrow opening and the necessary precautions, the City cannot allow people to pass through the area until demolition is complete. Once the building is demolished, the pathway from the stairs to Broad Street will be reopened.

According to Callaway, demolition should occur in the first week of July.

Callaway had been scheduled to present this information in person but could not attend the meeting. She provided a written update, which Jepson read aloud.

Motions approved

Council also approved motions for the following:

  • Accounts payable in the amount of $779,611.21.
  • Approving a bed tax distribution request for the Globe-Miami Regional Chamber of Commerce for the third and fourth quarter of FY 2023-2024 in the amount of $20,323.58.
  • Changing the name of Round Mountain Park to Stanley M. Gibson Round Mountain Park, in honor of former mayor, legendary Rotarian, and longtime park supporter Stan Gibson.
  • Making a donation for $5,000 to the Gila County Sheriff’s Posse for direct services provided to the City of Globe in support of City special events. A representative from the PD explained that the county Sheriff’s Posse has been assisting with events for around 30 years, such as First Friday events, graduation ceremonies, and the Halloween and Christmas light parades, averaging about two to three events per year. The Posse is comprised of volunteers who donate their time without receiving any payment. Their presence significantly enhances public safety, especially in areas where Globe PD has personnel shortages. The Posse operates with a limited budget, so to help cover their operating expenses, over the past few years the City of Globe has been providing an annual donation.
  • Moving forward a Corporate Wellness Screening Program Agreement between Life Line Screening of America Ltd. and City of Globe, in the amount of $10,000. Jepson explained that the screening program would include MRIs and cardiovascular ultrasounds. The City will cover the cost of the MRIs, at approximately $800 each. The ultrasounds will be offered at a health fair and various levels of testing are available at different costs. This item is awaiting final attorney review and approval, and will come back at Council’s next meeting for a final vote.
  • Approving a change order with Sunrise Engineering for the Jesse Hayes Sidewalk Project Phase 1, for $10,736. The work will include lighting improvements for the sidewalk segment from Old Circle Road to Ice Canyon. Luis Chavez said there will be an open house or public hearing to inform people about the project and listen to their comments and ideas.
  • Issuing an Invitation for Bid for the Water Meter Replacement Program and moving forward with the advertisement. The project also includes the investigation of water lines. Funds will be submitted to the Water Infrastructure Finance Authority for reimbursement under the Water Conservation Grant. 
  • Designating the City Manager, Paul Jepson, as Chief Fiscal Officer on behalf of the City to submit the Annual Expenditure Limitation Reports for FYE 2024 and FYE 2025 to the Auditor General. Jepson explained that this is a routine designation traditionally handled by the Finance Director, but with that position currently vacant, it falls to the City Manager. Council also approved the designation of the City Manager as the Chief Fiscal Officer to submit the annual expenditure limitation report for FY2025 to the Auditor General. 

Members of the Globe City Council: Mayor Al Gameros, Vice Mayor Mike Stapleton (District 4), and Council members Freddy Rios (District 1), Mike Pastor (District 2), Jesse Leetham (District 3), Mariano Gonzalez (District 5), and Fernando Shipley (District 6). All members were in attendance at this meeting except Council members Leetham, Pastor, and Shipley.To view this meeting online, visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2q08ZP8h74.

To view documents related to this meeting, click here

Full minutes can be found by going to the City Hall website at https://www.globeaz.gov/government and clicking on Agendas/Minutes in the bottom left-hand corner.

The Globe City Council meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall. The meetings are currently open to the public at 50% capacity. Members of the public are requested to wear a mask except when seated. Seating is limited to allow for social distancing.

Members of the public can also participate in City of Globe public meetings by viewing the meeting live on YouTube. To view the live stream of the Council meeting, go to the City of Globe’s YouTube channel (search for City of Globe Arizona). Or click the “Live Stream on YouTube” link at the top of www.globeaz.gov.

To speak to agenda items before or during the meeting, call or text (928) 200-0154 or email council@globeaz.gov. If you desire to speak to the Council during an agenda item.


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