Gila County, AZ. — Pursuant to A.R.S. §15-1402.01(A)(4), Alternative organization for community college districts, the Gila County Provisional Community College District (GCPCCD) Governing Board shall hear testimony and discuss the conversion of the College from a provisional community college district to an independent community college district. This item will appear on two separate Special Public Board Meeting agendas, and no final Governing Board decisions will be made during these meetings.
The two Special Public Board Meetings are scheduled as follows:
- Monday, June 24, 2024, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Gila Pueblo Campus, 8274 S Six Shooter Canyon Rd, Room 522, Globe, AZ.
- Tuesday, June 25, 2024, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Payson Campus, 201 N Mud Springs Rd, Room 301, Payson, AZ.
Members of the community who wish to participate must do so in person at one of the campus locations listed. Electronic access will not be available for the public at these special meetings.
The public is invited to participate by providing testimony and participating in discussion for up to three (3) minutes per speaker. The total time allotted for this public meeting shall be two (2) hours and members of the public shall be permitted to participate on a first-come, first-served basis.
This is a monumental step in securing the future of post-secondary education in Gila County,” stated Dr. Jan Brocker, GCPCCD Governing Board President. “Not only does this public meeting move us closer to being recognized as an independent, fully organized community college by the State of Arizona, it also enables us to listen to related questions and concerns within our communities.”
At a subsequent Special Board Meeting (via Zoom) beginning at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, the GCPCCD Governing Board will consider approval of a resolution to convert to and form an independent community college district, satisfying an additional requirement as outlined in A.R.S. §151402.01(A)(5), Alternative organization for community college districts. Members of the public are welcome to join this meeting with video and voice capabilities available on a personal computer, tablet, or phone by going to and entering the Zoom ID: 927 0181 9087.
Gila County residents are also invited to send comments associated with the GCPCCD recommendation to Interim President Dr. Janice Lawhorn at The GCPCCD Governing Board will continue to update community members regarding any new developments that can be released to the public.

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