STATE OF THE CITY ADDRESS: Mark your calendars for the State of The City Address that will be held on Thursday, September 26, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. at Veterans Park in front of Globe City Hall. You will get an update on the past year’s activities and projects and what lies ahead for the future of our city. The address will also include a reflection of the past eight years and where it all began. Come and enjoy food, entertainment, and an opportunity to talk to your council members. We will also have several booths set up to gather information on ongoing services, future projects, and developments.
CITIZENS ACADEMY: The next City of Globe Citizens Academy #6 is scheduled to begin on September 4, and end on October 16. This program is a seven-week course that is held every Wednesday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The course is designed to give the participant a better understanding of the city’s operations, services, and programs. Each participant will be given an information folder of the course, a t-shirt, and be fed dinner during each of the weekly presentations. All participants who complete the course will be recognized with a graduation event at the City of Globe council meeting that will be held on October 22. To apply, please contact City Hall at 928-425-7146 or go to
FLIGHT HELICOPTER MEMBERSHIP INSURANCE: The Council unanimously approved two contracts for Air Ambulance services for all city employees and all city residents on August 13, 2024. The two contracts are with PHI Air Ambulance and Banner Air Ambulance who are two main responders for fights out of Gila County. With these contracts, any City of Globe resident or any family member that resides in their home, that is flown out by either of these flight companies will be covered and will have not have any out-of-pocket costs charged to them. We all know how an emergency flight could financially have a negative affect due to the cost. I encourage all our residents get familiar with the coverage and the opportunity to upgrade for additional services.
ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER: At the August 13 meeting, council heard a presentation on the recruitment process for the new position of Assistant City Manager and the related organizational changes. Current Economic Director, Linda Oddonetto, was interviewed and selected for the position. This position is the ongoing process to increase our resource capacity abilities as we continue to see an increase in activity in our city, so that we are better prepared and able to meet the needs of development and future growth.
RESOLUTION COPPER GRANT: The City of Globe was awarded a $6,000 grant from Resolution Copper. This grant is broken down in two parts. 1K will be used to help put on a Disc Golf Tournament and 5K will go towards the purchase of a trailer to store tables, chairs, and supplies for First Friday and other events.
PURCHASE OF NEW AMI METERS: The city of Globe was awarded a Securing Future Water Grant for $1,618,267.00 to purchase Automatic Meter Infrastructure Meters. Our current meters have reached their life span and will be replaced with new technology meters that will help detect loss of water, billing, and leaks immediately, which is advantageous to the customer. The council approved to move forward with the purchase and contract for installation.
FIRST FRIDAY: Enjoy the First Friday events on October 4 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Globe’s First Fridays have become a signature event and continue to grow each month with more participation from downtown businesses, vendors, and cruisers. This event is not only enjoyed by our local residents in the community but by many more people who are now coming from out of town on this day to enjoy the event. Everyone is invited to participate in the downtown cruise that begins at 5:30 pm starting at the Active Adult Center. We invite the community to support the participating businesses downtown and enjoy live music, food trucks, and vendors. Anyone needing more information or wanting to set up a vendor booth during any First Friday event may contact Melissa Steele at 928-425-7146.

Guest Contributors include press releases, guest authors, and columnists who contribute less than 4 times a year.