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Gila County Provisional Community College District Seeks Public Comment

Gila County, AZ. — Pursuant to A.R.S. §15-1402.01(A)(4), Alternative organization for community college districts, the Gila County Provisional Community College District (GCPCCD) Governing Board shall hear testimony and discuss the conversion of the College from a provisional community college district to an independent community college district. This item will appear …

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SCOTUS rules for AZ tribe in dispute with federal government over insurance billing fees

BY: BRIANNA CHAPPIE/CRONKITE NEWS – JUNE 7, 2024 7:15 AM WASHINGTON – The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the federal government must pay millions in administrative and overhead costs for federal health care programs that Native American tribes had taken over. The Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act authorizes …

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City takes new approach to discuss bed tax disbursement with revenue recipients

Why Globe_Skies over Globe, Az

City Council has engaged in conversations with the recipients of the Bed Tax funding as Globe seeks to increase and coordinate marketing efforts for the city. “Council had first talked about making changes during our Strategic Action Plan meeting in 2023, which included equal distribution to the recipient organizations, and …

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