ELECTION RESULTS: I want to thank everyone who voted for me in the primary election. Although I was unopposed, I truly appreciate the continued support that has been shown to me in my first eight years serving as your mayor. My intention was to serve for only two terms and then retire thinking that a lot could be accomplished in that time frame. I found out that ideas, plans, and projects take time to happen. Although there have already been many projects that have been completed, there are many more pending in the next couple of years that I want to be part of to continue to move our city forward.
I want to congratulate my two co-council members, Freddie Rios and Mike Pastor, on being re-elected to their council positions for the next four years. Our full council has a unified vision and is committed to continuing to work hard to elevate our city to the next level. I want to make clear that it takes time and an army to make things happen, so nothing would be possible without the continued dedicated hard work and commitment of our city staff.
I also want to thank our residents for voting yes and passing Proposition 412 (Home Rule) for the next four years, which allows us to set our budget with current-time revenue.
BUILDING AND FIRE CODE ADOPTION: A public meeting took place on August 14 in the city council chambers to begin the initial discussion and process to update our 20-plus-year-old fire and building codes. This meeting was open to all stakeholders, including licensed contractors, business owners, realtors, and the general public. We are currently operating on the 2003 Building Code and the 2003 Fire Code.
Adopting the most current codes and standards is the most efficient and effective method of creating safe environments that protect and improve public health, safety, welfare, and the economic interests of the community. Updated fire codes help develop a better ISO rating, which affects insurance rates for both residential and commercial properties.
Having worked in the fire service for 30 years in Globe, I know the challenges and dangers of our 100-year-old city. It is important to understand that when doing modifications in any commercial building where the public has access; both building code and fire code are met. Over 80% of our downtown buildings have basements and are built against each other which increases the risk. Doing modifications to any commercial building without following the fire and building codes could create a dangerous environment not only for the public, but for our firefighters in the case of a fire emergency.
END OF THE YEAR BASH AND NEW POOL SCHEDULE: An end of the year pool party was held at the Globe Community Center Pool on July 26 to celebrate the beginning of the school year. There were approximately 300 attendees that attended the event. We want to recognize and thank the sponsors for this event, Arizona Complete Health, Freeport McMoran, and the City of Globe. During the peak hours of this summer, there were anywhere from 100 to 200 attendees daily.
The Community Center Pool still remains open now that school has begun with modified hours. The modified hours are as follows: Monday-Saturday Lap Swimming (8 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.). Monday-Wednesday Open Swim (4 p.m. – 6 p.m.) / Water Aerobics (6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.) Water. Thursday Open Swim (4 p.m. – 8 p.m.). Friday-Saturday Open Swim (11 a.m.-8 p.m.). Sunday Open Swim (11 a.m. – 7 p.m.). A huge thank you to Lisa Fletcher for managing this year’s pool activities.
CITIZENS ACADEMY: The next Citizens Academy is scheduled to start September 4 and end on October 22. It is held every Wednesday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.. For more information or to sign up, contact Lisa Fletcher at 628-940-9207.
STATE OF THE CITY ADDRESS: Mark your calendars for Thursday, September 26 at 5:30 p.m. for this year’s 4th Annual State of The City Address. You will get an update on the past year’s activities and what lies ahead for the future of our city. There will be food, music, and an opportunity to talk to your council members.

Guest Contributors include press releases, guest authors, and columnists who contribute less than 4 times a year.