The Cobre Valley Transit Authority provides bus service in Miami and Globe Monday through Friday each week. CVTA runs two buses from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and reservations can be made by calling 928 – 473- 8222.
Download the newest schedule CLICK HERE .
Bus Fares and Passes
One-WayAdultFare ………………….$1.00
Schoolstudents ……………………..$.50
Seniors(60+) ……………………….$.50
Personswithdisabilities ………………..$.50
Childrenunder12 …………………….Free
Please have exact fare ready when you board the bus. Drivers cannot make change.
Monthly Bus Pass (unlimited rides) . . . . . . . . . . $25.00 MonthlyPassforseniors,students,disabled …$15.00
Monthly passes can be purchased at Town Hall or from your bus driver.

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