I went to the store the other day to buy some charcoal for the old barbecue grill. To my surprise the shelf was nearly empty. I laughed to myself as I realized that these beautiful sunny days were not only noticed by me. Up in the rolling hills of Globe there is no better time of year than the blossom of an early spring.
Copper City Comedy
Comedy on Fire out of Phoenix, Arizona presents it’s 3rd night of Copper City Comedy here in Miami. The event is held at Wild Horses Saloon on Sullivan Street in Downtown. There is no admission charge but the comedians do accept tips in the form of cash or beverage. The laughs start at 8pm and last until about 10pm. This week we will hear from the comedic styling’s of Brian Kearley, Durrell Johnson, Heidi Geldis Young, James Wells and Marc Silverstein. Get there early folks as the last couple of shows have had a packed house.
Market Must Stop
Attached to the Wild Horses Saloon is Roxie Hadley’s little boutique called Cowgirl Antiques. Sullivan Street has several antique shops but none with it’s own built in watering hole. The prices are very reasonable as you shift through dozens of items that relate to cowboys, miners and pioneers. The fun shopping of an antique store is a sure way to put a smile on your face.
Taste of the Week
Jilibertos is located on the north side of Highway 60 in Miami, Arizona. They are open from 7am to 8pm serving both breakfast and dinner all day. The restaurant is not as established in the area as Burger House or Guayo’s but it does offer a more traditional style of Mexican food. As of right now they only take cash so visit the ATM before you go.
Rest for the Weary
Copper Miners’ Rest offers a unique touch on their bed and fix your own breakfast approach. There are no hotel or motel chains in Miami so there are a few residence who have taken advantage by offering rooms to miners, truckers and other workers who are traveling through Miami with their jobs. Located on the corner of Chisholm Avenue and Gibson Street, just off Sullivan in Downtown, this building may be hard to find. However, once you are there you will never forget as it is truly a diamond in the rough.

Stephen Palmer is an Arizona native, born and raised. With his ear to the ground and head in the clouds Stephen brings a passion to life that is as complex as it is full of joy. Reader beware the adventures of an untamed mind.