GLOBE_A Special Exhibition of Parades & Celebrations in Globe-Miami from the early 1900s through the 1960s will kick off on June 30th at Gila County Historical Society (Gila County Museum). 1330 N Broad Street, Globe.
Opening night will coordinate with the Museum’s regularly scheduled monthly Hamburger Fry on the lawn.
A Ribbon Cutting for the Special Exhibit is planned for 5pm and the public is invited!
The Hamburger Fry will feature Rick Uhl on his guitar and include homemade desserts and of course, hamburgers, beans,salads and drinks for the low price of $7 per person.
The Exhibition is being sponsored by Cami Lucero and Fernando Shipley of the local State Farm Insurance agencies.
Guest Contributors include press releases, guest authors, and columnists who contribute less than 4 times a year.