Home » Announcements » County to receive $300,000 in federal funds to clean out waterways amid flooding concerns
Local residents speak with county officials and local insurers during a community meeting last week. Courtesy Photo

County to receive $300,000 in federal funds to clean out waterways amid flooding concerns

(GILA COUNTY, AZ)—Gila County responded proactively to flooding concerns related to the Pinal Fire by securing $300,000 in federal funds to clean out waterways in the Globe-Miami area.

“We’re thrilled to not only better prepare our area for the oncoming monsoon season, but also to bring these dollars back to Gila County residents and local contractors,” says Gila County Manager James Menlove. Pending final approval, the County should receive the funding from the Natural Resource Conservation Service’s (NRCS) Emergency Watershed Protection Program the week of July 3.


“We have been working really hard to have all the pieces in place so we’re ready to get the work done when the money arrives,” says Menlove. One of the stipulations of the funding is that all of the work must be completed within 10 days of when the funding is disbursed. County staff has lined up local contractors to clear debris from the drainages downstream of the Pinal Fire burn scar. Staff has also been going door to door to obtain permission from residents to access waterways on private property.


Gila County will put up the bulk of the 25% match required of the funding and has partnered with the City of Globe to fulfill the remaining portion of the match. The City of Globe will perform flood mitigation work in the washes within city limits.


As of June 28, 100 of 260 property owners in the flood mitigation area have not returned agreements to allow the County or its contractors to work in the waterways on their property. If you own property on the wash in Icehouse Canyon, Kellner Canyon, Six Shooter Canyon, or Russell Gulch and have not returned an agreement, call 928-402-8770.


Gila County Emergency Management is providing sandbags free of charge to residents that may have flooding concerns. Residents may call 928-402-8789 to discuss how many may be needed for their property.


Gila County will provide ongoing updates when work begins.

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