The next chance to take the Arizona Game and Fish Department Hunter Safety Course in Globe-Miami will be Friday, February 23rd through Saturday, August 24th from 8:00 a.m. until 4 p.m. at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church Classrooms, 844 Sullivan Street in Miami, with Range Day on Sunday, February 25th at 8:00 a.m. until finished at the Globe- Miami Gun Club at 2675 Bixby Rd. Students are asked to bring a sack lunch for the classroom days (23rd and 24th).
Attendance all three days is mandatory.
On-Line registration opens February 1st until the class is filled on the Arizona Game and Fish web site at: course . Know that the online registration process is available statewide, so don’t procrastinate. Register as soon as possible to reserve your space. The class is limited to 30 students. Students will need a hunter ID number at registration. Call Arizona Game and Fish Department at 602-942-3000 to get an ID number.
There is a $5 per student fee for this course payable on the first day of class.
All classroom hunter safety education courses are taught by Arizona Game and Fish Department certified volunteer instructors.
A student that is 9 years old may complete the Arizona Hunter Education Safety Course.
If a student turns 9 by the time they graduate, they may receive a Hunter Education card. The card will not become valid until their 10th birthday. The age that they may hunt big game has not changed, only the age that they can graduate the course. This will prevent the problem of a student turning 10 the day before the hunt and not being able to get in a class.
If you don’t have internet access contact John Stemm: (602) 478-5201 (cell.)

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