The Homeless Coalition of Cobre Valley thanks everyone who made the Second Annual Jason Sanchez Homeless Connect Day a success.
We served more people this year than last year, including one family.
People were able to visit with various agencies including Gila County Health Department, Community Bridges, AZ@Work, Magellan Complete Care, Globe Lions Club, Canyonlands HealthCare, Sonoran Prevention Works, Gila County Community Services, Celebrate Recovery, and Horizon Health and Wellness.
We had a number of volunteers to help us, including members of the JROTC from Globe High School.
Participants were able to shower in the portable shower provided by Azteca Glass East, get a Jason Sanchez Homeless Connect Day T-shirt provided by Peridot Print Shop, have a good hot meal and listen to uplifting Christian music provided by Extol.
People received clothing, jackets, blankets, backpacks and hygiene items.
We thank the Maranatha Baptist Church for hosting this event again this year.
Thanks also go to Cobre Valley Regional Medical Center, Gila County Gem and Mineral Society, the VFW and RAM Specialists.
For anyone interested in learning more about the Homeless Coalition, we meet every first and third Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. at the Divine Grace Presbyterian Church, 305 Live Oak St., Miami.
All are welcome.

Award winning journalist with over 18 years experience in covering local news and issues affecting rural communities. Married 37 years, my life has taken me from Phoenix to Willcox to Globe. My husband and I are both overjoyed to find ourselves in Globe-Miami, with its rich history and sense of community. This is truly home.