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July, 2020

  • 6 July

    Tri-City Waste

    By: Fred Barcon It’s with utter astonishment that I write yet another editorial. The Tri-City Regional Sanitary Board (TRSD) marches forward with their project, despite proof from neutral third-party engineering firm, Kimley-Horn, that concurs with what I have been pointing out for over 4 years.  A third wastewater treatment plant …

June, 2020

  • 3 June

    White Like Me

    By: Diane Post At sixteen, I was traumatized in a ghetto in Chicago when I was there on a two-week work-study event with the Presbyterian Church.  We twenty white and rural kids from Wisconsin went to the big city to meet and work with Black teenagers as a step toward dissolving …

May, 2020

  • 23 May


    by R.J. Ladd I suppose that for some, the current Corona Virus-19 is the first real crisis they’ve experience. For quite some time, I have been curious about why so many in the “greatest generation,” those who are now in their 80’s, 90’s and some even over 100-years-old, know about …

  • 21 May

    Barcon says Board should not move forward with plans for third plant

      By: Fred Barcon On May 18, 2020, the Tri-City Regional Sanitary District (TRSD) Board passed a motion to move forward with their plans to build a third wastewater treatment plant. Many of you are familiar with my past editorials, in which I point out several flaws with the TRSD …

April, 2020

March, 2020

  • 23 March

    A window of opportunity and the need to act

    A new website made the rounds this weekend on social media – it uses data and modeling to predict the final window of opportunity that local governments have to flatten the curve and avoid swamping their healthcare system with COVID-19 patients.  For Arizona, that window is March 29 through April …

  • 22 March

    After a heart attack in the midst of Covid-19

    When everything seems so out of sync and surreal, it feels good to just stop for a minute and laugh! In a previous life I lived in Israel and I still have family and friends there. Last week The Times of Israel published a piece that a friend of mine …

  • 15 March

    A Prayer for Action

    “Pray, people! God is the only one who can truly make a difference in all of our country’s issues.” I saw this recently come through my Facebook feed and believe it might be something that resonates with more than just this one person. It came on the heels of a …

February, 2020

  • 22 February

    A generational perspective: Not my first rodeo

    By Kathrine Nakumura “This isn’t my first rodeo,” my mother asserted when I tried to give her the recipe for a bleach solution as cleaning agent against COVID-19. Not sure what she meant by that, I was just glad that, after returning from the hospital to her home in Hemet …