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May, 2021

  • 25 May

    Learning to walk

    Dear Graduate, The root meaning of the word graduation is to step forward. When you graduate, you’ve taken a step ahead, or up. It’s a big, meaningful step, and you’ve worked hard, so you rightfully celebrate and receive lots of congratulations, and hopefully take a vacation to recuperate. It’s funny …

April, 2021

  • 12 April

    Tiny Things Matter Most

      If the pandemic has brought one lesson home more than anything, it’s that teensy-tiny things can change the world. We’ve all had the experience of having a glochid stuck in your finger – those tiny bristles on some cacti – and how this can cause more discomfort and ruin …

March, 2021

  • 16 March

    The Color of Polar Bears

    I read once about a psychologist who went to study people in Siberia, to find out how Siberians think. One question went like this: “In the Far North, where there is snow, all bears are white. Novaya Zembla (the name of a town) is in the Far North, and there …

February, 2021

January, 2021

  • 23 January

    January 6, 2021: A day that will live in infamy

    We are interrupting our regular Op-Ed to bring you the voices of Senators and Representatives who were in the capitol on the day it was overrun by a mob, threatening violence to our democracy. Despite the breach which ended with five dead and a country shaken, Congress did reconvene that …

  • 11 January

    San Carlos Chairman Rambler speaks out on behalf of voters and democracy

    The violent assault on the U.S. Capitol on January 6 was at best a display of unfettered privilege.  More troubling was that this terrorist attempt to take over the Capitol was the first insurrection since the Civil War.                Individually, the mob was lawless, obstructive, and dangerous.  Collectively, this mob was an …

November, 2020

  • 22 November

    The Fear Right Here

    When people hear that I’ve been traveling for the past four years, they’ll usually ask me two questions. First: What’s your favorite country? I never know how to answer that one. I love them all. The second question tends to be: Weren’t you afraid? That’s easier to answer: Yes. Of …

  • 21 November

    Local business owner asks city leaders why more isn’t done to market small business

    TO: City of Globe, Mayor, Council RE:  Marketing money I have always wondered why Globe does NOTHING to market itself outside of its borders.  We have Besh ba Gowah, The 1910 Jail, The beautiful Center or the Arts,  Pinal Mountain hiking/camping, the lake, Tonto and many other wonderful spots but …

August, 2020

  • 14 August

    My Life as a Quaran-teen

    By Natalie H. On the evening of February 26th, everything seemed perfect. My grades were good and my mom and I were at a meeting preparing for our school trip to Europe. We were going to Italy and France in March. I’d worked for a year to save for this …

July, 2020

  • 27 July

    Good Rain

    I’m in southern New Hampshire, visiting my brother at his new house – he’s just retired from the Army – and helping him put in a new vegetable garden. It’s a beautiful time to be in New Hampshire: temps are in the mid 70s to low 80s, and it rains …