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April, 2013

October, 2012

  • 6 October

    The Thing called Home…

    There was a restaurant in Chicago, where I lived many years ago, called ‘Home’. That name was the most pompous, eighties cliché I’d ever heard, and when friends asked me to join them for dinner one evening, I declined. They then offered to treat, and I graciously accepted.Expecting yards of …

June, 2012

August, 2011

  • 22 August

    DarinLand: Growing Globe

    Why the big rush to grow Globe? Really- what is so God-awful about living in a small town? I like the fact that we’re not Chandler or Gilbert, with their pollution, congestion and proliferation of cosmetic surgery clinics, and I absolutely love the simple act of driving 1.3 miles to …

  • 5 August

    Globe is not becoming a ‘Prison Town’ any time soon

    Dear Editor: The ‘official’ word is that Emerald Co. failed to secure state land for their prison proposal.  Does this mean that Emerald Co., the EDC, Globe’s Mayor and majority Council, and Gila County Supervisors —- did not perform the required due-diligence?  It is tempting to explain the news by …

  • 5 August


    By: Jim Moss Globe is not becoming a ‘Prison Town’ any time soon. The ‘official’ word is that Emerald Co. failed to secure state land for their prison proposal.  Does this mean that Emerald Co., the EDC, Globe’s Mayor and majority Council, and Gila County Supervisors —- did not perform …

June, 2011

March, 2011