Bob Kuban was the drummer and leader of a group called Bob Kuban @ the In-Men when the group hit #12 on the charts in 1966. Pretty amazing because the Beatles were doing pretty well then too not to mention groups with names like Mancini, Doobies, 3 Dogs, Dave Clark, Moms and Pops, Jose Feliciano, Brubeck, Crosby, Stills etc., Al Hirt, Pointer Sisters, Spinners, Doors, Animals, and on and on and on. I tell my sons that “our” music was much more diverse than their music is now but, I doubt that is true. I just don’t know all the groups today like I did way back then.
The In-Men’s lead singer was Macho Man Walter Scott. Ironically, Scott’s wife was indeed a “cheater” who, along with her new squeeze, shot Scott in the back and dumped him in a cistern with very little fanfare. He was “away” from 1983 until 1987 while his widow and friend spent his royalties, then they went to jail. There is a book entitled The Cheaters: The Walter Scott Murder by Scottie Priesmeyer if you really care.
Kuban was a band teacher in 1963 who, along with Scott, formed The Pacemakers and played weddings and high school dances. They formed a second band and cut a little tune called Jerkin’ Time which became the theme song for (I am sure you knew this) … A Jamaican jerked chicken chain. Imagine how proud they must have been to hear their tune advertising chicken.
In 2000, Kuban was the drummer for Chuck Berry and he is still very active with his band today and he has a website. https://www.bobkuban.com/#/home
Review Overview

What’s not to like about music? At age four, I liked to lie in front of my Dad’s huge console record player/radio and listen to the big bands of the 40’s. I have early memories of hiding under the covers with a mono earphone in my ear, sound streaming from my first transistor radio. In high school, I began collecting records from artists I had never heard of just to see if I liked the music. I usually did and still do.