A series of four workshops will be held in Globe over the course of 4 months designed to help entrepreneurs and small business owners. The series is being underwritten by a USDA grant to the RCAC. Deadline for registration is extended through today.
Every entrepreneur believes they have the next best thing, but the truth of the matter is that over 90% fail.
And why?
According to one author it is because they fail to meet a market need.
Success, after all, is about meeting the needs of others.
A new series of four workshops is coming to Globe thanks to funding from the USDA and the RCAC, a member of the Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP).
The RCAC, founded in 1978, provides training, technical and financial resources and advocacy so rural communities can achieve their goals. They recently worked with the local community to establish the business workshops designed to help local entrepreneurs rise above the pit falls of start up businesses.
“The most important thing is to make your customer more successful by solving their biggest struggles, challenges and frustrations.” Bram Krommenhoek, The Start Up.
According to the organizers, there will be time to work on your own business or develop your idea for a new business through a series of hands-on workshops and homework assignments. Attendees are welcome to come with their team, and they require that a minimum of 2 team members commit to attending every planned session of the program plus approximately 4-8 additional hours per week for the full length of the program.
The lead facilitator is Blanca Amador Surgeon with RCAC.
*All workshops held at the Gila County Fairgrounds. Dinner is provided each of the days.
*Register by contacting: Linda Oddonetto, Economic Development Director for the City of Globe. 928-961-3382.
1February 19 -20 4-8 pm
- Introductions & Your Business Idea
- Entrepreneurial Mindset Personality and Skills
- Business Cycles
- Introduction to Opportunity Discovery Canvas Tool
- The Opportunity Discovery Canvas Tool: The Problem
- The Opportunity Discovery Canvas Tool: The Solution
- The Opportunity Discovery Canvas Tool: The Connection
- Intro to How Industries Work: Value Chains
2March 26 -27* 2-8pm
- Developing a Business Plan
- Choosing a Business Location
- Protecting Your Intellectual Property
- Critical Business Skills
- Business Staffing & Structure
- Business Taxation & Licensing
- Target Markets & Research
- Competition
- Pricing Strategies
3April 9-10
- Startup or Expansion Costs
- Bootstrapping
- Proof of Concept
- Financial Forecasting
- Proforma Profit & Loss
- Capital Stack & Funding a Reservation Business
- Qualifying for a Loan
- Loan Application Process
4May 14 -15
- Business Financing Panel
- Strategic Action Planning: Goals, Milestones, Action Steps, and Timelines to get your business to start or grow or revive stage
- Entrepreneurs time for Preparing their Presentation
- Business Presentations & Graduation
Writer, photographer. Passionate foodie, lover of good books and storytelling. Lives in Globe. Plays in the historic district. Travels when possible.