Globe, AZ – When children are in danger and families are in crisis it’s often up to the social workers of the world to find the resources and support to help which is why during March, National Professional Social Work Month, CASA of Gila County applauds the social workers our volunteers interact with every day who are working hard to make a difference for families in Arizona.
“Social workers have a tough job and we are grateful for the work they do to help children and families within our community,” said Emily Leverance. “Social workers play a vital role in the child welfare system and we are grateful to work beside such a hard-working team.”
Court Appointed Special Advocates are not social workers, but they are highly-trained volunteers who act as the eyes and ears of the court on cases of children in foster care. They visit with the children regularly and collect information that helps the court make more informed decisions. CASA advocates work closely with social workers and other members of the child’s team to ensure the child has their needs met while in foster care.
Throughout Arizona there are children currently in foster care that need a consistent, caring adult in their corner and there are many ways you can get involved in making sure those children are heard. If you’re a social worker at heart, becoming a CASA advocate may be a great way to make a difference. Volunteers are always needed, and no specific background is required. To volunteer, applicants must be 21 years or older, pass a thorough background check and complete 30 hours of pre-service training.
CASA of Gila County is grateful for all the professionals who’ve dedicated their careers to advocating for children.
For more information on the CASA Program visit
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