We are going with a little change of pace for this Palmer Report. The atmosphere is rich with alteration and I wish to indulge. The Arizona Diamondbacks were on a winning streak, just five games out of the playoffs, and now they are all but eliminated from contention. The Arizona Cardinals left the off season with national praise and Super Bowl expectations. After a harsh pre-season performance last week, we are being picked as the team to unravel. Lucky for us desert survivors, we have thick skin. We can take a beating and keep on ticking. One local musician may have that life circumstance down to a science. For this weeks article I will highlight one of Globe-Miami’s talented musicians.
Jarod W. Spencer

Jarod W. Spencer was born and raised in Claypool, Arizona. Jarod is part of the 2002 graduating class of Miami High School. Back in High School Jarod was always ready to be a part of music. “There were times when we would ride for hours in the back of a truck. In the heat, in the cold, we didn’t care. We just wanted to hear some music.” Jarod explained about his early musical adventures. “Come to think of it, we were almost preparing ourselves to go on our own tours, by following other bands and seeing what was happening and how it was done.”
It would be a long road for Jarod from then until now. There were many shows at dive bars and coffee shops. Many late nights writing songs on too much caffeine and nicotine. Jarods travels took him up to Washington State where he really began to find his sound. During this time period Jarod recorded his most recent album “A Travelers Story.” Which is written as an autobiographical journey of Jarods travels.
You can catch him playing live at Wild Horses Saloon in Miami or Farley’s Pub in Globe on a regular basis. Jarod’s music is a self learned folk style. With influences like Bob Dylan to be heard in his music it is still something all it’s own. In one song he will be rockin’ a bluesy rock n’ roll riff and then the next song will be a country two step. There is no band although there is no doubt that his music would sound great with one. Right now, you will have to settle for Jarod W. Spencer, solo.
MADDIE MCLEOD is an 18 year old alternative singer-songwriter originally from Canada but now residing in Northern Phoenix. The 60th annual Northern Gila County Fair is in Payson and Maddie will be performing from 6-8pm on Friday, September 11th. She has perfromed at various venues around Arizona, including the AZ State Fair, Maricopa/Pima/Graham County Fairs, the Flagstaff Folk Festival, Axiom Venue, and most recently, the Coconino County Fair and the Jerome Indie Film and Music Festival. Maddie has also self-recorded and released a self-titled EP and a single called Warpaint. The Warpaint music video has reached over 1600 views on YouTube since its release in March of 2015.

Stephen Palmer is an Arizona native, born and raised. With his ear to the ground and head in the clouds Stephen brings a passion to life that is as complex as it is full of joy. Reader beware the adventures of an untamed mind.