Have a Safe and Fun 4th of July!
This weekend is filled with fourth of July celebrations. What are you doing this Independence Day? Whether we are camping at the lake, grilling in the backyard or catching the Diamondbacks Game and Firework show, spending time with family and friends is high on the priority list for most of us. In the Globe-Miami area we ready ourselves for the traditional firework show presented by the mines from the top of the tailings. Here are a couple of locations that I recommend for this years celebration.
The Cobra Valley Country Club will host an all day event on the Fourth of July. Kickoff begins at 8am with the Veterans of Foreign Wars–American Legion and the San Carlos Color Guard. There will be a Golden Oldies car show that will go from 9am until 11pm. There are golf, basketball, volleyball, pool and horseshoe tournaments through out the day. Bring the kids so they can enjoy the pool and games for all ages. Hot dogs and Hamburgers will be available for purchase. This event will last all day, the fire works are expected to start at 9pm.
The Miami High School Football Team will be hosting a Fourth of July Party of their own. Come on down to Ragus Stadium at 4pm for live music, food and fun. Admission is free. The big attraction for this event, besides the view of the fireworks, is the Cow Drop Bingo game. Local ranchers have donated their cows time to graze the field and lay some fertilizer. Cow Drop Bingo is played by marking the grass with a bingo playing card pattern. Contact Coach Powell, 928-200-0106, to purchase a space on the bingo card. If the cow poos in your space, you win. There is a $1,000 first place prize and $250 for 2nd and 3rd. Outlaw Radio will be broadcasting live and the local band Sinthetic will perform live music. All proceeds go to help the Vandal Football team as well as the Pinal Mountain Little League.
Marty Stuart Live at the Apache Gold Casino
On Friday, July 3rd the Apache Gold Casino presents Marty Stuart. The event will start at 2pm and end after the fire works show which is expected to start at 9pm. There will be food and other vendors available through out the day. Water slides and other games will be on hand to entertain the little ones. Before Marty Stuart takes the stage make sure you are there to catch local artists Low Expectations as they bring their music for your enjoyment.
Stephen Palmer’s CD Release Party.
Join me, Stephen Palmer, this Thursday, July 2nd, at the Wild Horses Saloon in Miami at 7pm for my very first CD release party. I have been a musician for over twelve years. I grew up the son of a railroad worker and found my passion for music in the local church. I have dreamed of a career in music my whole life and now at 31 years old, I am trying to make that happen. With the release my newest single “A Voice in the Wilderness” I hope to turn heads and inspire the next generation of musicians.

Stephen Palmer is an Arizona native, born and raised. With his ear to the ground and head in the clouds Stephen brings a passion to life that is as complex as it is full of joy. Reader beware the adventures of an untamed mind.