Disney’s Peter Pan Jr.
The Summer Youth Musical Theater Program and the Cobre Valley Center for the Arts present Disney’s Peter Pan Jr. Performances begin this weekend with a start time of 7pm on both Friday, July 10th and Saturday, July 11th. Take the kids out for a matinee show on Saturday only, starting at 2pm. You can purchase tickets at the Cobre Valley Center for the Arts front desk. The hard working young adults of the Summer Youth Musical Theater Program would appreciate your support. You can catch the show if you follow the elevator at 101 n. Broad St. Globe, Arizona.
“I was always in these plays as a kid and I loved it. Now as an adult when I attend a performance I am left wondering, were the plays this good when I was in them?” Zenada Webb declared as she walked out of 2012’s performance of the Pied Piper. “The SYMT is a great program helping kids enjoy music and the art of entertaining. It is really incredible to see what the cast and crew can accomplish in just six weeks.” Zenada has been involved with the SYMT since the summer of 2000. The program has been running for 17 years, beginning back in 1998. Thanks to the dedication and hard work of many and the core resilience of a few.
Live Music
Open Mic on Saturday, July 11th at Farley’s Pub in downtown Globe. Hosted by Robert Braun and Travis Campbell the music starts at 9pm. If weekdays are your weekends be sure to catch the open mic jam session at Humphrey’s Two Lanes Saloon on Wednesday July 8th, music starts at 9pm.
Karaoke is available for you singers out there at several locations. Jammerz Bar in downtown Globe has karaoke on Wednesday nights, Humphrey’s Two Lanes Saloon on Ash St. hosts karaoke on Thursday nights and the Shamrock bar in Claypool will have you covered on both Friday and Saturday nights on a regular basis.
On Saturday July 11th, the Drift Inn Saloon presents Sinthetic. Take a night out and enjoy some live music brought to you by Aaron Zufelt, Shon Bywater and Daniel Philpot, otherwise known as Sinthetic. These guys bring a wide variety of music to the table, and do not mind playing on request, if you have something to suggest. Son Bywater’s side project is Outlaw 95.9 FM radio, stationed out of the Globe-Miami area. “Shon has a great deal of knowledge concerning our local music scene. I just try and learn from that so that I can be the best I can be.” Explained Aaron when asked about his involvement with Sinthetic. “We have been a band since December of last year. We went two months without a name until we picked Sinthetic off of a list that Shon had.” You can catch Sinthetic playing almost every weekend somewhere in the Globe-Miami area.

Stephen Palmer is an Arizona native, born and raised. With his ear to the ground and head in the clouds Stephen brings a passion to life that is as complex as it is full of joy. Reader beware the adventures of an untamed mind.