MIAMI- Lighting the way for opportunity, the new perimeter and stadium lights recently installed at Bullion Plaza Museum, will further enhance Miami’s crown jewel. The lights are phase one of a larger plan to bring an amphitheater to this location. As a result of a collective effort by Miami Genesis Economic Development Board, Bullion Plaza Museum and the Town of Miami, ten vintage style lampposts and six 30 ft field lights were installed.
According to Susan Hansen with Miami Genesis and the Town of Miami, the lighting of the field will make it possible for people to walk at night around the park and provide field lights for sporting and festival events. The lampposts have been positioned to illuminate most of the story boards which were installed in 2017. Both the lampposts and field lights are all LED energy efficient with outlets to provide electrical to individuals and organizations who may reserve the field for events day or night.

Funding for the project has come from local grant monies donated by a Consortium of stakeholders consisting of Freeport McMoRan, Capstone Mining Co., and United Fund of Globe-Miami. According to Hansen, the lighting project at Bullion Plaza is part of an overall plan to bring more amenities and economic opportunities to the area.
There is a ribbon-cutting for the lighting project planned for March 10th – at 6:00pm in the center of the field at Bullion.

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