A sleek new diesel engine is set to pull the Copper Spike this week. The new streamlined passenger engine was put into service after the Heisler Steam engine failed to make the grade – literally. The steam engine thrilled crowds but the slight grade heading out to San Carlos proved too much for the 100-year old engine.
The new 1953 diesel engine was overhauled and painted with the “black widow” design which is the distinctive black,orange,red striping you see here.
The Copper Spike Excursion railroad will continue to run Thursday – Sundays through May 2nd when the season ends (for the summer). Local Gila County residents may take advantage of a program which allows those living in Gila county to ride the train for 1/2 off. This subsidy is good until the funds run out of this program….so grab the family and head on over to the Old Train Depot and ride the rails this spring!
Plans are underway to offer Sunset excursions in April, complete with a full bar and snacks. The owners of the Copper Spike recently obtained a liquor license and will launch the sunset rides which will go out into the San Carlos Apache Reservation which offers beautiful vistas and gives train riders a completely different experience from the trains normal runs which go as far as the Casino.
The full schedule of Sunset excursions will be posted on our events calendar and the Copper Spike website, so don’t miss your chance to ride the rails and watch a sunset and gaze at the stars from the comfort of the Dome car or Calumet car!
This content comes to you from contributed content through press releases and submitted articles.