The League of Cities Conference was held on August 21 through 24 at the Phoenician Resort in Phoenix. Attending this year’s event was Councilwoman Johnson, Councilman Rios, Public Works Director Jerry Barnes, City Clerk Shelly Salazar, Economic Director Linda Oddonetto, City Manager Paul Jepson, and myself. The annual league conference is attended by all 91 cities in Arizona and provides important training, legislation, and vital information for urban and rural communities. This is also an opportunity for all communities to showcase their city.
A presentation was held on August 28th to discuss the issue on tethering animals. The City of Globe does not have an Animal Control officer and currently contracts with the county for Animal Control services. The county does not have a tethering ordinance and will not enforce a tethering law in the city. A discussion was held on the cost comparison of having our own animal control or contracting. Another option discussed is that the city passes a tethering law to allow our code enforcement and police department the authority to enforce within the city limits and still contract with the county.
An initial public meeting was held on August 28th, about the concept of an indoor farm facility in our community. The meeting was put on by the Arizona Department of Agriculture. The presentation included types of facilities, funding possibilities, and education at the high school level in agriculture.
The second training session for the community economic development strategy was put on by the Rural Community Assistance Corporation on August 29th at the Gila County Fairgrounds. This training was provided through a grant award to the City of Globe to help local business. The discussion focused on the relative strengths of the capitals in our community. They included individual, political, cultural, financial, built, natural, intellectual, and social.
The University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center held a small-town forum on September 6th to bring, decision makers, civic leaders, and other stakeholders in the region to begin collaboration actions to address watershed issues. A study of our watershed in our region has been the focus of the group. As we plan for the future in our community for economic development, studies of our watershed are a vital part of our planning process.
Resolution 1786 was approved by council supporting Off-Track betting within the city limits of Globe as another strategy for economic development and tourism in the downtown area.
The City Council approved an initiation letter to the Arizona Department of Transportation Local Government Project Department for the Jesse Hayes / Pinal Creek Bridge project. This is the initial steps working towards the replacement of the Connie’s Bridge.
This is the final week to purchase tickets for a Glock 19X with two magazines that was donated for the purpose of purchasing body cameras for the Globe Police Department. 100% of the proceeds will go to this project and only 100 tickets will be sold. Tickets are $20.00 each or 2 for $35.00. For tickets, you may contact Councilwoman Giles at 928-487-4005 or Mayor Gameros at 928-200-2626.
The Old Dominion Days will be held from September 12th through the 15th. There are many events planned throughout the four days. Some of the highlights are as follows: Opening ceremonies will be on Wednesday at 9:30 am at the museum and ending with music at the museum that night. On Thursday, it is family and kids’ activity day and games will begin at 4 pm. On Friday, the Museum opens at 10:00 am with a Vintage Clothing Display and ends with a Big Nose Kate’s Fashion Show at the Historic Train Depot at 6:30 pm. Saturday is filled with lots of activities beginning at 8:00 am with the Farmers Market, followed by history hunt, history demonstrations, old west shootout, guided mine tours, tortilla toss, and a pasty supper at 5:00 pm and music at the museum to end the night. Come by and enjoy the activities and be part of this first time four-day event.
The Wings of Hope Car Show will be held on September 22nd in downtown Miami. The Oktoberfest will be held on October 6th in downtown Globe. Apache Jii Days is scheduled for October 20th in downtown Globe.

As a lifelong resident of the community, I have served with the City of Globe Fire Department for 30 years including 18years as the Fire Chief. After retiring in 2016 I ran for Mayor because I’m passionate about bringing people and organizations together to make good things happen in the community. It’s my privilege and honor to serve Globe in this new capacity.
I would like to add to the above article that the Glock for the raffle was donated by Dominion Firearms, LLC.
The gun is on display in the store and tickets can also be purchased there.
You are raffling a gun to support the police. Good grief.