John Rockwell Hoff (Rocky), resident of Globe, Ariz., passed away at the age of 72 on Feb. 18.
John was born in 1941 in Illinois to Donnafred and Wilbur Hoff.
John was a flame worker and a mad scientist. Rocky made friends easily and gave freely of his time and energy. He made routine life into a memorable adventure.
He touched many lives deeply and will be remembered as a unique, quirky, creative and loving human being.
John liked Flame working, metalworking, woodworking, wearing bandanas, getting naked while hiking in remote canyons, hauling huge rocks out of those remote canyons, collecting rocks, fossils and minerals, mad scientist stuff, art, being an outlaw, pondering the future of humanity, restoring (or not) vehicles, recycling and reusing everything possible, picking up trash, sounding out melodies on the keyboard, inventing solutions for any problem, and problems for every solution. John was very good at cutting pineapple, trimming trees, making tools, breaking tools, setting rocks, back hoeing, rock climbing, relocating rattlesnakes by bicycle, whistling, pyrotechnics, making percussion instruments, getting stung by all manner of poisonous animals, teaching his daughters ballroom dance moves, making corn fritter animals and the best hash browns ever.
He is survived by his wife, Karol; three children, Sierra, Heather and Ryan; granddaughter, Zoe; and sisters Jaqueline and Betty Jo. Celebration of life was held on Sunday, Feb. 23 at Cobre Valley Center of the Arts.

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