The first Public hearing and a Fair Housing policy was passed by the city on March 27th as required to receive the three-year allotment of the CDBG funding in the amount of 417K.
A presentation was made to council by the Globe Police Department for a proposed K-9 program. The support was unanimous for the program by council to proceed with the process to obtain a K-9 drug dog. This program will enhance the fight against illegal drugs in our community and schools.
I was honored to officially serve as the new Chairman of the Central Arizona Government Regional Council for the first time at the March 28th in Apache Junction. I was appointed in January, 2018 for a one-year term. Central Arizona Government represents 17 cities and four reservations in Gila and Pinal Counties. CAG is a major source for funding, technical support, and other resources for all the cities represented, especially rural.
The City of Globe has launched a campaign to encourage business owners along the highway 60 corridor to beautify their businesses that will help make our community a more attractive place to visit. We are hoping to appeal to our civic pride to help Globe be the best it can be. Some of the code violations to look for on a business are: lack of maintenance on the exterior, lack of sign maintenance, broken windows or fences, graffiti, over grown vegetation, inoperable vehicles, debri or litter, and garbage. The campaign will run from March 24, 2018 through May 24, 2018. Let’s all work together to be responsible business owners and we thank you for your cooperation. For any questions, contact our Code Enforcement Specialist, Michelle Yerkovich at 928-200-1552.
A special public meeting was held on April 3rd to give the council an opportunity to discuss the hiring process, review the current job description, and provide input on the expectations of the next Chief of Police. The Police Chief position is one of four positions in the city that are at will and are hired by the city council. Recruitment applications will be available in the next couple of weeks.
The annual East Valley Firefighter Benefit Poker Run will be held on April 13th. The bike run begins in Mesa with their kick off breakfast and then the riders head for Globe for their first stop. The bikers begin arriving on North Broad Street at the Drift Inn around 9 am. It is estimated that over a thousand bikers will come through Globe.
A public meeting will be held on April 18th at city hall to discuss the concerns of business owners and residents of the vagrancy issue on business and residential properties. A discussion will also be held on the legalities surrounding public intoxication.
Paranormal Playground will be conducting a haunted history tour and paranormal investigation of the Old Gila County Jail on Saturday, at 9 pm on April 21st
I again invite our residents to attend our council meetings so that you are informed with the many different topics being discussed. Our meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month starting at 6 pm. Your input is vital so come by and get involved as we move forward to build a clean and friendly city.

This content comes to you from contributed content through press releases and submitted articles.
The “US 60 CLEAN AND BEAUTIFUL CAMPAIGN” is a great program – it should be an ongoing effort – not just for two months.
Thank you for sharing this report and thank you Mayor for taking the time to share the happenings of our city. I appreciate your hard work for the betterment of Globe.