Families are invited Saturday Feb. 18 to learn about rocks, collect interesting stones they’ll be allowed to keep – and see evidence of the volcanic and tectonic forces that shaped our region’s geology. All who sign-up in advance get free admission for pre-registered kids age 5-12 accompanied by two adults (parents, grandparents or other adult chaperones).
Regular $12.50 admission is charged for additional adults. Age-appropriate Boy Scout, Girl Scout, and other children’s club groups are welcome to register, too. Apache Junction resident and Arizona State Parks tourguide volunteer Jim Shepherd will lead this special Saturday morning program at Boyce Thompson Arboretum – including a story read aloud, a chance for kids to collect rocks they’ll be allowed to keep and bring home, plus a hike guided by professional geologists – where you’ll see the 2,000-foot towering remnant of a real volcano. Each child may take home a rock collection, and each pre-registered family gets a copy of the featured storybook.
Daily Arboretum admission of $5-$12.50 is waived for pre-registered participants. Sign-up online at https://tinyurl.com/Rocks2017;
Kids age 5-12 & Parents: Signup for Free
Feb. 18 Geology Morning at the Arboretum
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