Boyce Thompson Arboretum- Labor Day Weekend will soon be in the rearview mirror — Summer events are ending – and Saturday Sept. 9 brings your final chance to learn about lizards on a guided walk at Boyce Thompson Arboretum (plus another ‘Last Call’ opportunity to learn to pick, process and prepare prickly pear cactus fruit). Free to BTA annual members, weekend events are included with $12.50 admission for non-members.
Learn Your Lizards guided walk at 8 a.m. This entertaining guided tour around the gardens is not just for kids — popular lizard walks are for all who enjoy Arizona’s most common, colorful and charismatic little reptiles. There’s no additional fee to attend and no pre-registration necessary, just be in the Visitor Center breezeway at Eight O’clock start time. Guides include AZ Game & Fish Department reptile researcher Dan Leavitt.
* Prickly Pear Cactus Fruit Class with Botanist Patty West at 10:30 a.m.
Wish you knew how to pick a peck o’ prickly pears, turning the bright red fruits into syrup you can use in margaritas, smoothies – or a batch of tasty jelly or tangy BBQ sauce? Flagstaff ethnobotanist Patty West has been picking and preparing P’pears for over 20 years and has her own unique spin on cactus cuisine.

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