The Final Salute to the Apache Drive-In is just around the corner, and we have a lineup of prizes and fun in store for you!
Check out all the categories, and remember you can enter more than one!
Take a look and plan which one you’ll want to enter. Entry is FREE. You can enter more than one category, and registration forms will be handed to you as you arrive that night inside your welcome packet. Just fill them out and bring them to the stage, or hand them to one of our runners that evening. Then listen for your category to be called and be near the stage as we ask contestants to walk across it in front of our panel of judges.
Show us how you tailgate!
The most stylish tailgater will receive a dinner for two
at Copper Bistro and a gift basket from us.
Come to the Apache Gold Stage at 6 p.m. to welcome everyone to the event.
Best Wolfman Jack voice (as determined by the most honks, applause and cheers from the audience) wins $50!
at 6:30 p.m.
The Bee Hive, the Up Do, the Rat Tease…
That’s how Aqua Net became a household name!
Lots to choose from here! The Beatles, Sony & Cher, Janis Joplin, Peter, Paul and Mary, the Supremes, Sam Cooke, Del Shannon, The Dave Clark Five… and the beat goes on!
That was when people knew how to make a statement. What’s yours?
From big hair, big glasses, big jewelry and big accessories to the mini or Maxi dress.
Channel the complete package!
Any combination of three or more people. Those who coordinate… conquer!
Best Fashion & Fenders combo: Combining Fashion with Fender Fabulousness
Got a classic car and a classy dame? This one’s for you!
Hoola Hoop and Twist Contests
for Kids and Adults
See Center Stage!
And if you need a primer on the lingo from the 1960s, here is an excerpt from the Phrase Book we will be handing out that night!
A Gas: Having lots ‘o fun
All Show and No Go: Pretty car without go power
BA: Could mean bare all or bare ass
Bad: Awesome
Beat Feet – Leave area quickly
Bitchin’ – Good, great or awesome
Boss – Cool or fantastic
Bogue: Describes something offensive, or an unrealistic idea. “That’s so bogue.”
Candy Ass: A wimp or uncool thing or person
Chick: A girl or woman
Chinese Fire Drill – While at a stoplight everyone gets out of the car, runs around it, and gets back in while holding up traffic
Chrome Dome – Bald man
Cooties: Stay away she’s got cooties… Like germs, bad ju ju.
Copasetic: Very good, all right, as in no problems.
Dip Stick: As in “What an idiot.”
Dig: Do you understand?
Ditz – An idiot
Don’t Sweat It: Don’t let it bother you.

This content comes to you from contributed content through press releases and submitted articles.