January is traditionally the time to make resolutions for the new year—and there’s good sense in that. There’s power in stating intentions and setting goals. Take some time to relax and reflect on the past year and the year to come. Make a list of things you’d like to accomplish or changes you would like to make in the coming year. Remember that effective goals are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-limited. Click here for more tips for goal setting and how to actually achieve your health-related and other goals.
Every day, approximately 39,000 units (pints) of blood are needed in hospitals and emergency treatment facilities to help save the lives of accident victims and treat patients with cancer and other diseases. Blood is traditionally in short supply during the winter months, particularly in January, so this month has been designated National Blood Donor Month to encourage donors to give blood. The components of one pint of donated blood can help save the lives of three people. Click here for a list of places to donate blood.
Healthy Weight Week – Jan. 16-20 (2017)
Healthy Weight Week is all about understanding that health isn’t about a number – on the scale or otherwise. It’s about making sustainable healthy choices through eating well, living actively and feeling good about yourself. A healthy weight is supported by mindful, pleasurable eating and physical activity, stress management, getting enough sleep, and more healthy habits. Click here <https://www.fitwoman.com/weight-loss-program-reinvented/weight-loss-support/healthy-weight-week/> for more information about healthy weight and healthy habits.
National IV Nurse Day – Jan. 25 (2017)
IV nurses deliver infusion therapies in hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, physician offices, and patients’ homes. Ninety percent of all hospitalized patients have an IV nurse on their care team. IV Nurse Day recognizes the care and passion of these professionals.

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