MIAMI- The Miami Arts Commission is putting together a zine -a limited edition, artsy, low cost, low tech, smallish publication – for this year’s Miami Loco Art Festival. Calling on local poets, illustrators, photographers, cartoonists, zentanglers and Haikuists, to participate in this project and see your work in print.
The theme of this year’s zine is “Bridges, Stairways and Back Alleys,” tying in with Miami’s vintage picturesque setting. We welcome submissions for consideration from local artists (Globe, Miami, Claypool, San Carlos) relating to bridges, stairways, back alleys, prostitution, small towns, mining, miners, and Miami.
All submissions will be considered, but submission does not guarantee publication. Deadline for submissions; February 28th. Questions and submissions can be sent to Libby Rooney:

After living in Israel for 35 years Libby Rooney arrived in Globe where she manages the Chrysocolla Inn, writes and performs Spoken Word Poetry and enjoys the good life of small town, Arizona. Her focus for GMT is covering the Arts and Creative culture of Globe-Miami.
Hello, I found this post when researching the Miami and Globe area and wanted to leave a message in case anyone has any information they could share. My grandfather was a Miner for the Miami Copper Co back through the 40’s. He was in a bar fight and as a result died back in Feb of 48′. I do know the bar was called Van’s Canteen but cannot find any information on it. I was wondering if anyone had photos or more information they could share. Also my father attended 1st grade at that time in Globe at a School called Osborn Grade School and cannot find information on that either. You can contact me at: , thank you.