Mayor and council met with engineers and contractors to discuss delays which have hampered the progress of Connie's Bridge. Photo by LCGross
Home » Government » Bed tax payments to resume after March 26 Council meeting

Bed tax payments to resume after March 26 Council meeting

Bed tax to continue with current distribution percentages – for the time being

For the time being, bed tax funds will continue to be distributed to the five current bed tax organizations, according to a motion Council passed during this meeting. The distributions will also continue to be calculated according to the existing split, with some organizations receiving more and others less.

City Manager Paul Jepson said none of the distributions for FY2023-24 have been made yet, and this would allow them to be disbursed and not held up any longer while the City holds meetings with the bed tax organizations to work out a new agreement.

The motion that Council approved does modify the schedule of disbursements laid out in the 23-24 budget. Bed tax funds will be distributed twice a year instead of four times a year, so organizations will get six months’ worth of distributions at time.

Jepson noted that approval of the distributions might require a future transfer of up to $39,626.98, as a worst case, from the City’s general fund contingency funds to the Community Organizations Expenditures account. This would be due to the City not receiving any bed tax funds for First Fridays.

Home Rule to appear on primary election ballot

Council approved placing Home Rule on the primary election ballot, during a special meeting held during their regular meeting.

Home Rule refers to the Alternative Expenditure Limitation, which allows Globe to spend its money as it sees fit. Without Home Rule, Globe’s budget would be severely limited according to state requirements.

If Globe voters vote against Home Rule, the annual budget for 2024-25 would be limited to $26.5 million, which is less than half of the City’s FY24 budget of $65 million.

In that case, the City would have to make drastic spending cuts, including for Fire and Police services as well as water and wastewater utilities.

Shelly Salazar pointed out that Home Rule does not raise existing taxes or impose additional taxes.

Globe currently operates under Home Rule but has to renew it every four years, via a vote on the ballot. Globe voters have passed Home Rule every time it has appeared on the ballot since 1979.

No comments were presented during the public hearing held this evening.

Connie’s Bridge set to open in June

The new Connie’s Bridge is expected to open to traffic in June, according to project manager Matt Truitt from EPS Group, who presented before Council along with Shay More from Meridian Construction.

Officially known as the Upper Pinal Creek Bridge Project, it broke ground in January 23 and was complicated by the need for shaft remediation, which took four months, and a supply chain delay involving the railroad foundations, which also took four months. Deck modifications will add another six weeks. There have been 37 days of delay due to weather.

Compared to the old bridge, the new bridge will have a wider deck, with more room for vehicles and pedestrians.

Also, the old bridge had staggered columns that were not aligned with the flow of water and, therefore, tended to collect obstructions. The new bridge will have a single pier that is aligned with the direction of water flow, so the water will pass through more efficiently. The new bridge design also addresses elevation constraints regarding 100-year flood events.

Jepson pointed out that the pilings go 40 feet below the creek bed.

City employee recognition and introduction

Council was introduced to the City’s new Public Works Assistant Planning Director, Travis Ashbaugh. He previously worked with CAG and has experience in both Gila and Pinal counties. He is originally from Cincinnati and studied planning at ASU.

Two employees were recognized for their years of service:

  • Chief Gary Robinson recognized Kendall Cormack for 15 years of service. Cormack grew up in Globe-Miami and Robinson praised him for his high level of motivation, dedication, and high standards. Cormack joined the City on February 24, 2009.
  • Linda Oddonetto recognized Leana McGill, manager at Besh Ba Gowah, for 10 years of service. She was born and raised in Globe. Oddonetto praised her for her knowledge and love of the community. McGill joined the City on February 3, 2014.

Motions approved

Council also approved motions for the following:

  • Accounts payable in the amount of $331,441.63
  • Approving a resolution to write off uncollectible water debt in the amount of $4,313.38 for FY2023. This topic was discussed at Council’s previous meeting.
  • Approving an intergovernmental agreement with ADOT for the Globe Broad Street Sidewalk Replacement Design. Funding for this project, in the amount of $192,687, will be funded through a Transportation Alternatives grant. The city has agreed to contribute $11,647 as the local match to this project, and the total estimated cost to complete the design is $204,334. The local match will be funded through the 1/2 cent excise tax. 

Members of the Globe City Council: Mayor Al Gameros, Vice Mayor Mike Stapleton (District 4), and Council members Freddy Rios (District 1), Mike Pastor (District 2), Jesse Leetham (District 3), Mariano Gonzalez (District 5), and Fernando Shipley (District 6). All members were in attendance at this meeting.


To view this meeting online, visit HERE

To view documents related to this meeting, click here. 

Full minutes can be found by going to the City Hall website.

The Globe City Council meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall. The meetings are currently open to the public at 50% capacity. Members of the public are requested to wear a mask except when seated. Seating is limited to allow for social distancing.

Members of the public can also participate in City of Globe public meetings by viewing the meeting live on the City of Globe YouTube channel. Transcripts of the meeting can also be found here.

To speak to agenda items before or during the meeting, call or text (928) 200-0154 or email If you desire to speak to the Council during an agenda item.


About Patricia Sanders

Patricia Sanders lived in Globe from 2004 to 2008 and at Reevis Mountain School, in the Tonto National Forest, from 2008 to 2014. She has been a writer and editor for GMT since 2015. She currently lives on Santa Maria island in the Azores.

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