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Bed Tax Organizations, Marketing Task Force report to City.

By Mayor Al Gameros, 

April was another lengthy agenda for both meetings.  There were many important topics up for discussion.  I want to thank all of our staff for their summary reports in preparation of the meeting agenda packets.  These reports are critical to help Council fully understand each subject so that we can make good decisions for the future. 

Here are a few of highlights:


On April 12th, city staff attended a meeting in Phoenix to present to the WIFA Board. The City of Globe was successful and was awarded a 3 million dollar loan with a forgivable of $750K for future water infrastructure projects for the next two years. I want to thank staff for all their hard work to secure this loan, which is vital for the future of our city’s infrastructure.


There were three proclamations read this month as follows:

April 13th “Popcorn Thursday” at the Copper Rim Elementary School, April 9th through 15th as National Library Week.

May 7th through 13th as Arizona Travel and Tourism Week

Letters of Support

A letter of support as collaborative partners for the Stem-C Grant funding process with the Globe School District was approved by Council.  A letter of support for Resolution Mine expressing support for the Capstone Pinto Valley PV3 mining plan to expand the mine life to the year 2039. 

Committee Appointments

The following three new members were appointed to the Library Committee, Nancy Boyer, Carolyn Jones, and Peggy Hilker.  The following five new members were appointed to the Parks and Recreation Committee, Noelle Anderson, Deborah Yerkovich, Sheryl Cormack, Rose Dalmolin, and Cecilia Hudson.  We want to thank all of these individuals for volunteering their time. 

Marketing Task Force

The Marketing Task Force presented their proposal to Council with Rebecca Williams from Dream Manor as the spokesperson for the group.  The Council authorized staff to move forward on seeking out bids for a branding study for our city.  This study will involve our businesses, organizations, and our citizens to help set the foundation for our future marketing plans.  We need to understand that branding and marketing is an investment and not an expense to our community.  We are trying to build and present ourselves as the premier destination for all audiences; tourist, businesses, and residents.  If we say we are a premier destination, clearly that is what people will expect to see once they arrive.  I again want to thank all those individuals who participated in this marketing task force.     

Bed Tax Recipients

The bed tax recipients made presentations on their budgets and the many programs that they offer. These organizations are the Chamber of Commerce, Southern Gila Economic Development Corporation, Gila County Historical Society, Globe Downtown Association, and the Center For The Arts. Each receives quarterly bed tax funds from the City of Globe. I want to thank all the volunteers who help with these organizations.

These are only a few topics for the month.  I know our meetings have been lengthy, but there is a lot happening that needs to be discussed.  It is great to see more participation in our sub-committees who are a voice for feedback to the council.  Let us all continue to get involved to build the excitement and momentum for the future of our city.  Remember that we work for you.    

About Al Gameros

As a lifelong resident of the community, I have served with the City of Globe Fire Department for 30 years including 18years as the Fire Chief. After retiring in 2016 I ran for Mayor because I’m passionate about bringing people and organizations together to make good things happen in the community. It’s my privilege and honor to serve Globe in this new capacity.

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