The vision of the United Fund of Globe-Miami Inc. (UF) is based upon improving lives through the donations that the citizens and businesses make towards the supported agencies. It states “Supporting local nonprofits since 1964 to improve lives by making our communities a better place to live and work.”
With a mission to “engage donors and charities to strategically elevate the Globe-Miami community,” the board endeavors to build on a 50-plus year tradition of giving back to the communities where we live and work.
The program budget is based on a goal that is set each year by the board with donations collected from companies, businesses and individuals. Those donations are distributed to the agencies and organizations that have applied and been accepted as recipient agencies. When the yearly funding goal is reached, the board is then able to consider special projects that are above the fundraising goal.
Each agency/organization that wants to be supported by the UF is required to fill out an application and provide the necessary paperwork to justify the monies that they are requesting. A committee from the full board meets and reviews each application on their own merit and recommends an annual budget to the full board for final approval.
Just prior to the end of 2015 the UF was approached concerning the Globe-Miami Project from the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, Taliesin West. The information presented was that the school needed contributions to stay in existence and that if the Globe-Miami area would assist with pledged dollars then they would in turn make a four-year project out of the Globe-Miami area. This project would include the Hwy 60 corridor leading in and out of Globe-Miami and the Downtown Globe area.
After board members attended several of their presentations, the UF decided that they would like to assist the school as long as they were willing to proceed with the Globe-Miami project because they felt it tied in well with the United Fund vision of making our community a better place to live and work. This project, according to the presentations, would help to revitalize the area by assisting businesses with new facades, creating usable spaces where there are currently empty lots, and bringing the community together to make the area more appealing.
Increased visual appeal helps local employers retain excellent employees, which in turn strengthens local economic and cultural opportunities. This creates more community engagement and interest which support a positive cycle of investment in our communities. Ultimately, we all magnify our communities’ assets through your involvement and UF’s investment in FLLW’s studio project.
The FLLW School of Architecture, Taliesin West has now produced a report on their accomplishments during the first part of this year for the Globe-Miami Project and the UF is endeavoring to make sure that work done meshes with the board’s perception of what the project would entail so that we can fulfill our pledge for 2016. The only criteria used for the first part of the year was based on the verbal presentations made by the school. The UF has agreed to honor our first year’s payment. We have requested, in writing, a plan and criteria for 2017 funding. The money being used for the FLLW pledge is funded by corporate match dollars, not designated funds from individual donors. That means these monies do not affect the dollars that are given to the other organizations.
United Fund of Globe-Miami, Inc. is thankful for all the dollars given by local businesses, organizations, and individuals designated for specific agencies or projects. We are also thankful for undesignated / general donations. We honor each donor’s designations to ensure your giving goes where you ask. We encourage everyone to continue to give generously so that we can continue to give that helping hand to the local community organizations that depend on these monies for their projects and existence. We are excited to bring your designated donations to life!
Maryn Belling
Executive Director
United Fund of Globe Miami
Guest Contributors include press releases, guest authors, and columnists who contribute less than 4 times a year.