Mayor’s Minute: Resolution Copper Project is at Risk!
Friends, Family and Neighbors, I am contacting you today with great urgency and a simple request: please contact our Senators and Congressmen and ask them to not support the “Save Oak Flat” H.R. 1884 bill that has been proposed by Representative Grijalva and the House Natural Resources Committee. This group of federal elected officials are trying to sneak this devastating legislation into the Reconciliation Bill.
We have learned that Rep. Grijalva and the House Natural Resources Committee have submitted the language for the “Save Oak Flat” into the House of Representatives Reconciliation Bill. The $3.2 trillion dollar budget reconciliation package will bring tremendous opportunities for communities large and small, urban and rural across America. This bill if passed will need American copper to fulfill its intended benefits. The entire package being proposed in Washington DC is critically important, and we want our elected officials to support it, but not with the poisoned pills added by the House Natural Resources Committee.
While the nightly headlines often talk of the negotiations taking place between America’s political parties in Congress, important details that will impact our lives in negative ways such as the “Save Oak Flat” bill often to unreported.
The addition of the Save Oak Flat Bill if approved will block any mining from the Oak Flat area, and essentially will kill any hope that Resolution Copper Mine will open. There are additional amendments attached to this H.R. 1884 bill that will cripple all of the mining operations in our region.
As residents of Arizona’s Copper Corridor, we understand our role in the world. We mine and produce the copper that runs this world. Right now, our role in the global economy is at risk. Please join me and scores of other regional leaders by asking our Arizona Congressional Delegation to remove the Save Oak Flat H.R. 1884 legislation from the Reconciliation Bill. A simple email will make a huge difference. Here is the contact information and I respectfully ask that you make your voice heard now:
The Honorable Senator Mark Kelly
516 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
The Honorable Senator Kyrsten Sinema
317 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington D.C. 20510
The Honorable Representative Tom O’Halleran
318 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
The Honorable Representative Greg Stanton
207 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
The Honorable Representative Ann Kirkpatrick
309 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

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