I am thankful for a big family, close friends and a community to call home. I am also thankful for this wonderful time of year that brings us all closer together. My heart and belly warm as I think of food cooking in the oven and a fresh cut log on the fire to keep us warm as the air chills from fall to winter. Some of us prepare for the hunt, some fore the big game and still others track those big sales for ‘Black Friday’ savings. Our wallets take a hit but it is worth it for the memories we create. This is a time to reflect on the past year and to make plans for the year to come. Make the effort this holiday season to spread joy to those you care about.
Miami Ragus Stadium or Globe Harbison Field
It is undeniable that football has found its place on Thanksgiving in the American household. The tradition of playing football on Thanksgiving is as old as the game itself. Even the traditional Globe verse Miami rivalry game used to be held on turkey day. If you are itching to get out and sling the pigskin I suggest you do it. Both Globe and Miami Football Fields are open to the public. Ragus Stadium is located just off Highway 60 on Ragus Road just east of Wal-Mart. Harbison Field is just below Copper Rim Elementary on 6th Street and Cedar in Globe. There is nothing better than a friendly game on an open field to build up an appetite.

Globe Community Center Upper Fields
If football is not your thing you can take your crew up to the Globe Community Center upper fields. These are the fields that host both AYSO soccer as well as NFL Flag Football during the late summer and falls seasons. The upper fields are accessible from Hagen Road on the East Side of Globe. Next to the large field you will find a basketball court, a tennis court and a skate park. If you have wee little ones the playground can be found on the lower level just past the softball fields.

Black Friday in Downtown Globe
We have all seen the commercials and adds for the upcoming black Friday sales. What we do not see in those adds are the great deals you can find at the local businesses in downtown Globe. For a map ‘click here.’From antiques to sweets you never know what treasures you will find in these unique shops. Spend your money locally as you find creative gift ideas with a lasting impression. There is nothing like getting a gift that is thoughtful and original; except maybe giving a gift that is truly from the heart.

Diana Tunis Art Exhibit
Diana Tunis is the costumer coordinator and designer extraordinaire for the Cobre Valley Center for the Arts. You can catch her wonderful costume designs at any of the CVCA plays. Now Diana has brought another dimension of her art for us all to enjoy. On the bottom floor of the CVCA building you will find the opening showcase for her newly released paintings. Diana also has a class that she teaches out of the of the Center for the Arts. The Blue Hands Art Acedemy has classes for both performance art as well as painting and/or drawing. To sign up for any classes just visit the link or go to the front desk of the Center for the Arts at the Old Courthouse in Downtown Globe.

The Pinal Mountains
There is a majestic drive hidden in the foothills of the Pinal Mountains. The drive is a short and windy loop that goes from Central Heights to Globe, Arizona. ‘Click Here‘ for a map of directions. Turn off of Highway 60 onto Russell Road, follow Russell road as you wind through the neighborhoods and begin to ascend toward the Pinal Mountains. Once you have reached the crossroads you can choose to go up to the Pinal Peak or descend using Kellner Canyon Road. As you drive down the canyon you will meet with Broad Street which leads into Downtown Globe. This back road loop only takes about 30 minutes and it is well worth the journey.

The Night Life
Wild Horses Saloon– The one and only bar in Miami is a nice quiet watering hole with events such as: open mic, live bands and even stand up comedy.
Shamrock Bar– The Shamrock Bar is located in Claypool, between Miami and Globe. This bar specializes in Karaoke both Friday and Saturday nights.
Liquor Stables– Under new ownership this bar has a nice, clean and relaxed atmosphere; great for watching the game. DJ’s and Live music on occasion.
Drift Inn Saloon– The “Drift,” as locals call it, is the closest thing Globe has to a “club.” Busy on most weekends this bar has both DJ’s and live music weekends.
Jammerz Bar– Jammerz has a great outdoor stage for live music as well as two huge projections screens to watch UFC Fights as well as NFL, NBA and MLB.
Farley’s Pub– Renovated and re-opened as an Irish Pub this bar specializes in craft beers. With open mics every Saturday this little Pub packs quite a good time punch.
Two Lanes Saloon– Two Lanes is located on the East end of Globe. They have Karaoke Thursdays and live music Friday and Saturday nights as well as open mics once a month.

The Palmer Report is a weekly article that includes local businesses, parks and recreation, historic sites and weekly events in the Globe-Miami area. If you have any places or events that you would like included please email Stephen Palmer at: stephenpalmer84@yahoo.com. This article is independently written by Stephen Palmer on contract with the Globe Miami Times online newspaper. Please reference past weekly reports for more things to do and places to go in Globe-Miami, Arizona. Thank you for reading.

Stephen Palmer is an Arizona native, born and raised. With his ear to the ground and head in the clouds Stephen brings a passion to life that is as complex as it is full of joy. Reader beware the adventures of an untamed mind.