We are mid way through the summer season and boy has it been a blast so far. The Cobre Valley center for the Arts has wrapped up their summer youth musical theater program, the Musicians of Globe/Miami completed the first ever music tour through the small towns in our local area and both the Globe Piranha Swim Team and the Pinal Mountain Little League represented our community with fierce competition. For a small, isolated mining community, Globe-Miami has its fair share to offer by way entertainment.
Robert & Travis
This Saturday, July 25th, the open mic at Farley’s Pub will be hosted by Robert and Travis. The music starts at 9pm and winds down by Midnight. Robert Braun has been playing music for a very long time. I know a lot of the musicians in town now have either jammed with him, been inspired by him or may have even been given some equipment by Robert. “That is just the kind of guy he is, very giving and understanding,” commented Jarod Spencer when referring to the new Epiphone Guitar he recently received from Robert. Travis is a great accompaniment to Roberts playing style. The way Travis’s fingers float across the fret board with such little effort is a show to watch in itself.

Low Expectations
Unless you have been hiding under a cave for the last 6 months I am sure you have heard about the new band from Globe called “Low Expectations“. This weekend the band is at it again with two major performances. The first is Friday, July 22nd at Humphrey’s Two Lanes Saloon. The music starts at 9pm and plays until last call. The second show this weekend is at the park in downtown Miami on Saturday, July 23rd from 6pm until 9:30pm. Also, please take the time to vote for Low Expectations on Kool 94.5 Fm’s battle of the bands page. If they get enough votes they will be eligible to represent Globe-Miami in a battle of the bands at Talking Stick Resort on August 1st. View the link for more details.

Miami Music in the Park
This summer Miami, Arizona has been hosting music in the park every other Saturday. This Saturday, July 25th Miami will be presenting Low Expectations at the Miami Veteran Memorial Park on Sullivan Street Downtown. The music starts at 6pm and lasts until 9:30pm. This is a great chance to get out of the house with the whole family. There is no charge for admission and you are welcome to bring food and drinks.

Stephen Palmer is an Arizona native, born and raised. With his ear to the ground and head in the clouds Stephen brings a passion to life that is as complex as it is full of joy. Reader beware the adventures of an untamed mind.