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Mapping Globe’s Future

By Jenn Walker

If you could draw out a master plan for the City of Globe, what would it look like?

Well, as it turns out, Globe is currently updating its 80-page master plan (Globe 2035 General Plan), and is encouraging the public to participate. The city held the first of a series of open house meetings at the Arizona Eastern Depot downtown last night. If you want a say in Globe’s future, then make sure you are there for one of the upcoming meetings (listed below).


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City manager Brent Billingsley explains General Plan to community members at the depot Tuesday evening. Photo by Linda Gross

The General Plan is basically a document that outlines a future vision for the city. Most cities have one, and every ten years, Arizona law requires cities to update their General Plan. Globe’s General Plan provides guidelines on what future transportation and land use should look like (zoning, development) based on the interests of the community, taking into consideration things like the local economy, quality of life, community building, recreation and open space.

For instance, the current General Plan recommends industrial operations in areas like Pioneer Hills, by state Route 188, but only light industrial operations in East Globe, because it doesn’t include a stable highway. This also prevents competition between areas. One of the top strategies in the plan includes downtown development. According to the plan, Pioneer Hills is suitable for four to six dwelling units per acre, while other neighborhoods are suited for more or less. Hilltop, Pifer Ranches and East Globe are all identified as suitable for growth and infrastructure improvements.

City Plan  3419A public survey was handed out at the meeting, which included questions like:

  • Do you agree with the proposed alignment of the U.S. 60? Please explain.
  • Of the following: parks, libraries, water/sewer, police/fire, roads, bike lanes, sidewalks, trails, public buildings, historic buildings, community centers and senior centers, which facilities should the city enhance or develop?

ReSEED Advisors, a planning and design firm, has been working with the City of Globe since early this spring on the General Plan. Managing principle Felipe Zavia expects the release of a revised draft before Thanksgiving, and says a copy will be available at the City Hall and possibly online.

So far the city has heard the following feedback, based on public comment and steering committees comprised of business leaders, council members, citizens, the EDC and the Chamber of Commerce:

  • Top contributors to Globe’s quality of life: recreation, open space, healthcare and cultural events
  • Globe’s community values: sense of pride, strong community, and hope for future
  • Top threats to Globe’s quality of life: lack of jobs and housing
  • Top issues hindering Globe’s quality of life: affordable, quality housing, job diversity and infrastructure condition

Upcoming open house meetings:

October 22, 2013 (Tuesday) at 6 p.m.
Cobre Village Apartments
2182 Escudilla Drive

Oct. 24, 2013 (Thursday) at 6 p.m.
Besh Ba Gowah meeting room
1324 S. Jesse Hayes Rd.

You can also follow General Plan developments and participate in surveys via Facebook by clicking here.

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