Globe Mayor Al Gameros highlights the recent and on going work on behalf of the city of Globe.
A public meeting was held on January 8th to discuss the city’s sign code. There were approximately thirty business owners and residents who attended to make suggestions and give their input. The staff is in the process of updating verbiage and reviewing fees under the sign code. We want to maintain our historic downtown area, making it unique and attractive to draw visitors to stop and walk through it. The sign code for the entire city assures that we are in compliance with state law and fair to all businesses.
Notice was received from the Arizona Department of Health Services that funding has been extended until April 30, 2018, to keep our local Safe Home open. This decision was made possible through the cooperation and collaboration of the City of Globe, Gila County, Gila House, and the United Fund of Globe-Miami. This will allow time to continue to work on a more permanent and sustainable solution for the future.
At the January 23rd meeting, the Council unanimously voted to establish a full time Economic Development Director position in the City of Globe. Linda Oddonetto was named as the new Economic Director and the Community Coordinator of the RCAC grant. The Rural Community Assistance Corporation grant that was awarded to the city will help support partial salary and bring training and comprehensive professional support to this position. Our priority for the future is to become a “Business-Friendly City” and provide programs to help incubate new and support existing local entrepreneurs. The City of Globe is the first community in Arizona to receive this three-year HUD Grant. This opportunity will help us develop our capacity towards sustainable economic growth.
When Jerry’s Restaurant closed its doors, the owner of the building, Mike Williams, son of former Mayor Hank Williams decided to reopen it. He named it in honor of his dad, Hank’s Restaurant. We welcome the new name and look to our business community.
The grand opening for The Art of Nja One Gallery was held on February 1st. This new gallery is located at 660 East Ash Street. Stop on by and see the amazing work of Nja One.
The long anticipated grand opening and ribbon cutting for the new Gila County RV Park was held on February 2nd . This park has been in the making for many years by Lois Monnarez and has finally come to fruition. This park is located at 130 West Ash Street on the by-pass as you travel through Globe. The RV park will be beneficial to our city as it will attract travelers to stop and stay as they travel through our community.
It is official now, the chain restaurant Denny’s will be opening their business in Globe. Representatives from the chain restaurant came to Globe about two months ago and met with the city staff to gather information about our community. It was confirmed last week that Denny’s Restaurant will open soon on South Street
I attended a NALEO Briefing on the upcoming 2020 Census on February 1st, at the State Capital. The main focus on the meeting was to discuss the funding, outreach, and education for the next two years in preparation for the census.
It is important that we understand that census data is not only important to our community, but to our entire state as it is the basis of our Representative Democracy, critical to the Protection of our Civil Rights, and used to annually distribute Billions in Federal Funds.
One major concern is that the Bureau is mandating that the 2020 census be conducted at the same cost of the 2010 census. This will result in a decrease in outreach services especially to rural communities. Some proposed changes are to utilize the internet option, use third party data, redesign of questions, and reduce the number of local census offices.
Our community will have to make sure that we stay informed to ensure that we get an accurate count.

As a lifelong resident of the community, I have served with the City of Globe Fire Department for 30 years including 18years as the Fire Chief. After retiring in 2016 I ran for Mayor because I’m passionate about bringing people and organizations together to make good things happen in the community. It’s my privilege and honor to serve Globe in this new capacity.