Globe High School’s Robotics Team took on three teams solo during one of the matches at this year’s FIRST Robotics regional competition.
Each team had built and programmed robots that could compete in an aerial assist game, where two competing alliances of three robots each tried to score as many goals with a ball as possible in a two-minute, 30-second match.
During this particular match, Globe’s team (Tigerobotics Team 5059) was the only team on the Red Alliance.
Read more about Globe High’s participation in this year’s FIRST Robotics regional competition here.
Jenn Walker began writing for Globe Miami Times in 2012 and has been a contributor ever since. Her work has also appeared in Submerge Magazine, Sacramento Press, Sacramento News & Review and California Health Report. She currently teaches Honors English at High Desert Middle School and mentors Globe School District’s robotics team.