GLOBE- Members of Globe FFA traveled to University of Arizona recently to participate in the annual State Leadership Conference. SLC is a valuable opportunity to meet other FFA members and participate with youth from around the state. SLC is also the annual State Awards ceremony and Globe members were well rewarded for their efforts.
Madeline Belling, Allicia Woodring, Isaac Webb, Riley Cline, Taylor Barnes, Connor Sawyer and Brandon Salcido all won State Proficiency Awards in their areas of participation. Maddie Won Three!
Members awarded the FFA State Degree for the quality and personal investment in their FFA programs were Madeline Belling, Riley Cline, Connor Sawyer, Serina Guerrero, Allicia Woodring, Isaac Webb, Samantha Voelker, Brenden Voelker, Benjamin Thompson, Brandon Salcido, Arielle O’Connor, David Monsees, Cutter Burgett and Taylor Wilson.
Madeline and Riley were nominated for Star awards, meaning they placed in the top group, in their areas of experience, from among members throughout the state. Connor competed to the very top round for Prepared Public Speaking.
Globe’s Poultry Judging Career Development Event team recently won first place in the state. Team members Madeline Belling, who was 1st place individual, Allicia Woodring, Krislyn Alford and Connor Sawyer will compete again at the FFA National Convention in October.

State Degree recipients: Brandon Salcido, Serina Guerrero, Brendan Voelker, Madeline Belling, Allicia Woodring, Benjamin Thompson, Arielle O’Connor, Isaac Webb, David Monsees and Taylor Wilson with advisor Lynn Woolever Telleen. Not pictured are Riley Cline, Samantha Voelker and Cutter Burgett. Photo courtesy of Karen Donaldson.

Globe FFA members and advisors Lynn Woolever Telleen our wonderful advisor for the past 4 years is moving on to start a new program at San Manuel HS. Our new advisor is Justen Ollendick, pictured in the white jacket. He comes to us from Queen Creek. Photo courtesy of Karen Donaldson.
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Thank you to all of the parent that put on the dinner tonight! It was wonderful.