On Saturday, Oct. 28, Gila County agencies and their partners successfully collected over 800 pounds of unused or expired medication from the community members as part of “National Prescription Drug Take Back Day.”
The Globe, Miami, Payson and Hayden Police Departments along with the Copper Basin Coalition, Gila County Sheriff’s Office, Gila County Public Health Department, in combined efforts with the Drug Enforcement Agency participated in drug take back day in Gila County.
In a continued effort to keep unused and expired medication out of our water systems, landfills and out of the hands of children, the Globe, Miami, and Payson Police Departments offer secure drug drop boxes available to the public 24 hours a day. The boxes are located in the lobby of the police departments.
For more information on the drug drop box at Globe Police Department, please call (928) 425-5751.
For more information on the drug drop box at Miami Police Department, please call (928) 473-2466.
For more information on the drug drop box at Payson Police Department, please call (928) 474-5177.
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