Courtesy of the Gila County Sheriff’s Office
The Gila County Sheriff’s Office, in partnership with the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS), received funding to purchase one intoxilyzer unit and five radar units.
The intoxilyzer will be placed in the regional DUI van, which can be utilized by all law enforcement agencies throughout Gila County. The GOHS provided $8,105 to purchase the intoxilyzer unit to enhance DUI/impaired driving enforcement throughout the county.
The Gila County Sheriff’s Office will utilize the five radar units in patrol vehicles assigned throughout Gila County to increase speed limit enforcement and to participate in speed enforcement details.
The Office of Highway Safety provided funding in the amount of $11,000 to purchase the radar units.
Aimee Staten has worn several hats over the last few years, but she recently put on one of her more familiar caps after four years of working in nonprofits: That of a journalist. She has 14 years of experience in the news business as a reporter with eight of those years as the managing editor of the Eastern Arizona Courier.