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Forum on Water to be held April 9th

While water resources in our region have historically been managed separately, a new urgency is at hand due to water scarcity and legal determinations on the horizon for communities and water users to agree on the status of water resources, and to establish priorities for their management and coordination.

Since last year the Cobre Valley Community Partners and The Water Resource Research Center (WRRC) have begun to collaborate to bring stakeholders together to discuss local issues surrounding our water resources.  

The Water Resource Research Center (WRRC), which was established under a 1964 Federal Water Resources Research Act, conducts research and analysis and works to assist communities, elected officials and the public in taking a watershed-wide approach to resolving water issues.

This April, the WRRC and Cobre Valley Community Partners will convene a second in a series of forums designed to facilitate discussion about water resources management. (The first was held in September of 2018) 

The event will be held at the Gila County Fairgrounds from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The public is invited to attend and the forum is FREE, but you are asked to register HERE

The full agenda can be viewed below: 

Since last September , leaders from government, industry, and not-for-profit organizations shared their water experiences and lessons at the First Cobre Valley Forum on Water and have been working to make progress on some of the top priorities related to water and community well being such as: 

Water Supply & Demand
Trails & Environmental Stewardship
Water Education & Awareness
Connectivity Planning


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