When one door closes another always opens. This last winter when temperatures hit all time lows, killing off plants and bursting pipes one of the casualties was Hicks Chiropractic Clinic in downtown Globe. The clinic, which was established by Drs. Terese Hicks and her sister, Janet Cline, has been a fixture in the community for over twenty years. In January when pipes burst, they sent water cascading from the ceilings on the second floor throughout the elegantly restored offices of Adobe Ranch Spa and Hicks Chiropractic clinic. The ‘event’ took a toll on people, computers and ‘Business-As-Usual. ”It took nearly 6 months while the mess was sorted, the insurance adjuster called and everyone was able to regroup and reassess.
And a funny thing happened in the process. The broken pipes turned out to be both a catastrophe and an opportunity for everyone involved.
Dr. Cline had temporarily re-located the offices to Ash Street when the ‘flood’ first happened. She originally thought that the repairs would only take 6-8 weeks, however when it stretched on into several months she began to settle in to the new location. At the same time Therese Hicks, a fourth generation rancher family, decided to retire from her practice to pursue opportunities in ranching. When Terese retired, that settled it for Dr. Cline, who decided then to ‘do her own thing’ and stay in the location on Ash and operate under her own name: Cline Chiropractic and Acupuncture. She can now be reached at 1720 East Ash Street Monday thru Fridays by appointment only. Jill Wilson, who owned the spa is looking to open at the end of the year in a smaller space on the ground floor.
It was, Dr. Julie Grahe, the newest addition to Hicks Chiropractic Clinic who had come to work for the Hicks nearly seven years ago, who was most interested in re-building and moving forward in opening a ‘new’ clinic. Grahe, who enrolled in chiropractic school after severely injuring her lower back, says she discovered the benefits of chiropractic treatments when not only did her back improve significantly but her annual case of bronchitis ceased.
That experience convinced her that chiropractic medicine could change lives.
She came to Globe after practicing in Phoenix for five years and says she and her husband jumped at the opportunity to move to a small community “…where people know you and there was a greater opportunity to establish long-term relationships with patients and their families.” They were looking for more “connection” and found it in Globe. It was a good fit.
Today, seven years later, the doors have opened on a new chapter.
And it is a beautiful chapter at that! The interior of the “new” Desert Oasis Wellness Clinic has been completely remodeled and there is a serene air about the place. Grahe is looking forward to building her practice on much of the foundation which was established with the Hicks Clinic. She focuses on nutrition, lifestyle and exercise, and she provides not only chiropractic services but acupuncture, homeopathy, supplements and herbal medicines. She also offers additional therapies that she feels has healing properties, such as infrared light therapy, toxin removal and cold laser treatments. Grahe will be hosting a regular weekly program on personal health on KJ1240AM every Friday morning at 6am. If you missed the program, you’ll beable to find it on the website.
The Desert Oasis Wellness Center is open Mondays- Fridays 8am – 5pm offering Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Alternative Therapies
Writer, photographer. Passionate foodie, lover of good books and storytelling. Lives in Globe. Plays in the historic district. Travels when possible.