Members of the Globe City Council: Mayor Al Gameros, Vice Mayor Mike Stapleton (District 4), and Councilmembers Freddy Rios (District 1), Mike Pastor (District 2), Jesse Leetham (District 3), Mariano Gonzalez (District 5), and Fernando Shipley (District 6). All members were in attendance at this meeting except Councilman Shipley.
Regional housing study reveals need across the spectrum
A draft housing study shows the need for additional stock across the whole spectrum of housing in the Globe-Miami area – but especially for affordable housing, according to Robert Mawson of Central Arizona Governments.
Linda Oddonetto, Globe’s Director of Economic and Community Development, said the City of Globe has been working with the Town of Miami, Gila County, Southern Gila County EDC, and Freeport McMoRan to develop the study, which covers Globe, Miami, Claypool, Central Heights, and Midland City. The report will be finalized within the next few weeks.
Mawson gave an overview of the document. He explained that the study gives a snapshot of the housing situation in the area at the moment.
The study has three parts: (1) demographics, which includes data on income for particular locations, (2) the existing housing market, including the current units that exist, their age, and what’s for sale, and (3) a gap analysis showing the difference between the need for housing and the actual housing available.
“Housing is needed in all segments, in all areas, all age groups, all price ranges, and not just in this area but across the state and across the country. It’s probably one of the number one issues that communities have to deal with. So when you talk about trying to take a look at where we are and what are our gaps, I will tell you right now our gap is everywhere.” Robert Mawson, CAG
The report also covers land use and includes a policy review. Mawson said the report doesn’t give recommendations but does provide a list of things the City might want to consider in regard to zoning, building codes, and so forth to make it easier for builders to provide housing.
The report also discusses goals and objectives, meaning the next steps the City could take.
Mawson said Globe faces a major issue in dealing with older properties that aren’t serving a good purpose. He said some cities have had good luck contacting out-of-town owners to make arrangements for their properties to be redeveloped.
The study will serve as a basis for City planning, and developers will also be able to use it to assist with marketing studies and financing efforts.
Air Force plans to reduce the altitude of training flights
Council discussed a letter to be submitted to the U.S. Air Force containing comments and questions about the Air Force’s intent to change their training in the area.
City Manager Paul Jepson explained that the Air Force is updating their requirements for training flights in Arizona, which include flight training and fighter training. They are proposing expanding the altitudes of flight to both lower and higher altitudes. The training will include low-altitude use of flares and chaff as well as hypersonic flight at lower altitudes.
The Air Force didn’t specify how much training would be done in the area or what the hours of training would be. They held hearings in Superior and other communities around the state but not in the Globe-Miami/San Carlos area.
The Air Force offered four possible alternative scenarios for changes to the training and asked the City to select its preferred alternative. The Air Force also extended a request for comments prior to making the changes.
Although Jepson and members of Council expressed a desire to support the Air Force’s training needs, they also pointed out that the City has experienced problems, such as windows breaking when aircraft practiced hypersonic flight and an unused flare that fell in the downtown area.
Linda Oddonetto said the local mines have not been consulted on this by the Air Force and will be submitting comments and questions of their own.
Council agreed on selecting the alternative that results in the smallest amount of changes compared to the current activity. They also agreed to ask City staff to submit a letter to the Air Force outlining concerns and asking questions about the following issues:
- the schedule for training and for hypersonic flights
- how the new flights would affect operations at the airfield at San Carlos
- effects on wildlife in the Pinto Creek watershed and Superstition Wilderness
- whether sonic booms could destabilize mining tailings or open-pit walls
- how low-altitude flights would interfere with local business needs to use drones in their operations
- impacts on property values in the area and other socioeconomic conditions
- effects on recreation and wilderness needs
- impacts of increased noise
- the fire danger of using flares at low altitudes
- what the City’s role in search and rescue would be in case of an aircraft accident, and what training the Air Force would provide for City personnel in regard to those operations
Councilman Gonzalez said he feels there should be a permanent citizens review committee to look at incidents that result in damage to property or injuries to people.
Mayor Gameros said the Air Force has a website available online where members of the public can also submit comments.
City hires parks and recreation expert to oversee the opening of Community Pool
Council approved a professional services contract with Walt Bratton to support opening the Globe Community Pool and overseeing operations in the pool’s first season. Bratton is coming back from retirement to perform the work. He had a 23-year career as parks and recreation director.
Bratton will prepare the pool to be opened professionally, safely, and on time, but is not expected to stay on after the first season. At that time, operations, maintenance, and so forth will be handed off to City personnel. Bratton will also serve as a technical adviser during the construction phase and will help with grant writing.
The contract approved tonight is for nine months with possible extensions of up to six additional months, and the amount is $48,412.17, which covers the first five months.
The public hearing on redistricting gets no takers
Council opened a public hearing to hear comments on the proposed redistricting map for 2024. No one made any comments, and no written, emailed, or phone comments were received.
Globe hires its first-ever deputy clerk
Shelly Salazar, Globe’s City Clerk, introduced Lisa Fletcher, the City’s new Deputy Clerk – the first-ever Deputy Clerk Globe has had.
Fletcher was previously at Heritage for 17 years and most recently was social services director there.
Public comments and ceremonial matters
During the general public comment section of the meeting, Jess Bryant spoke about plans for an Independence Day celebration this year. He asked that organizations or people planning events coordinate with him for scheduling and for an overall marketing strategy. Bryant said he hopes to make Globe-Miami a destination for Independence Day.
Irasema Teran, Globe Police Detective II, was recognized for five years of service with the City of Globe.
Motions approved
Council also approved motions for the following:
- Accounts payable in the amount of $616,464.11
- Distribution of bed tax funds in the amount of $9,199.39 to Gila County Historical Society for the second quarter of FY 2021-2022
- Appointment of Matthew Storms to the Board of Adjustment Commission
- Appointment of Jamie Green to the Library Committee
- Approval of a Special Event Liquor License for the Globe Rotary Club’s 7th Annual Dominion Royale Casino Night, to be held at the Cobre Valley Center for the Arts on February 26, 2022
- Approval of a Special Event Liquor Application for the 13th Annual Globestock Celebration, to be held at the Huddle on February 25 through February 27, 2022.
- Approval of the Southern Gila County Wildfire Protection Plan. Chief Gary Robinson explained that the purpose of the plan is to identify risks, resources available, and potential mitigations to reduce the threat of wildfire. He said this plan differs from previous ones in the mitigation measures it suggests, the fact that it provides a mechanism to apply for funding to pay for mitigation, and the fact that it covers post-fire effects such as flooding. Once all stakeholders have approved the plan, it will be adopted by Gila County and the County Emergency Management Department will oversee activities based on the plan. Robinson said a significant amount of funding has been made available through the Healthy Forest Initiative, which is a federal program. The plan will be available on the County’s website when it’s finalized.
- Adoption of the Rezoning Map and Planned Area Development for property located at 450 South Hill Street (the Hill Street School property).
- A purchase order was issued to Robert Horne Ford in the amount of $54,318.05 to secure ordering a 2022 Ford F150 XLT for the Wastewater Department. Public Works Director John Angulo said the department is purchasing three vehicles this year. Horne was the only dealership to respond to the request for bids due to the current shortage in vehicle availability. The truck will be a 4-wheel-drive crew cab.
- Issuance of an Invitation for Bid for a clarifier rehab project for the wastewater treatment plant. According to Vince Mariscal, Globe’s Wastewater Facilities Manager, this is part of the ongoing upgrade of the treatment plant. Mariscal explained that the clarifier allows the solids to settle out of the clean water, and the clean water then overflows and exits the plant. The solids then are pumped back to the oxidation ditch, where they continue the process.
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The Globe City Council meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall. The meetings are currently open to the public at 50% capacity. Members of the public are requested to wear a mask except when seated. Seating is limited to allow for social distancing.
Members of the public can also participate in City of Globe public meetings by viewing the meeting live on YouTube. To view the Council meeting live stream, go to the City of Globe’s YouTube channel (search for City of Globe Arizona). Or click on the “Live Stream on YouTube” link at the top of
To speak to agenda items before or during the meeting, you can call or text (928) 200-0154 or send an email to If you desire to speak to the Council during an agenda item.
Patricia Sanders lived in Globe from 2004 to 2008 and at Reevis Mountain School, in the Tonto National Forest, from 2008 to 2014. She has been a writer and editor for GMT since 2015. She currently lives on Santa Maria island in the Azores.