Seating of Council Member for District 5
Mariano Gonzales was seated on the Council as a representative for District 5. Council had appointed Gonzales to the seat at its previous meeting.
Council member Mike Stapleton gave a shout-out to Public Works for all the work they’re doing across the city and to the fire department for their efforts on the Copper Canyon fire.
Council member Mariano Gonzales said he had judged the Beef Cookoff over the weekend for the U of A extension and 4-H Club and had suggested that the organizers hold the event in downtown Globe next year. This year it was held at the fairgrounds.
Gonzales also informed the Council about a 4-H group in Payson that has equipment to etch coffee cups and uses them for fundraising. The U of A extension offers an opportunity to locate one of these printers in the southern Gila region, and Globe should look into it.
Council member Freddy Rios gave a shout out and congratulations to all the graduates in the region, including the kindergarten graduates.
Mayor Al Gameros also congratulated all the graduates. He noted that the community wildland survey is underway now, and we need communities in the southern Gila area to fill it out. People should go to the county website or his Facebook page to fill out the survey.
Mayor Gameros also said the Arizona legislature is considering a new 2.5% flat tax bill. This tax would benefit larger and growing cities but would harm small rural communities like Globe. Globe stands to lose $360,000 a year for the next ten years if the tax bill passes. Mayor Gameros asked people to go to his Facebook page to get Governor Ducey’s phone number and call the governor to voice their opposition. Mayor Gameros said Dave Cook and Frank Pratt are holding strong against it even though they’re under a lot of pressure to support it, and the mayor is encouraging people to thank them for that.
City Manager Paul Jepson gave kudos to the team that developed the grant application for the National Endowment for the Humanities grant to be discussed later in the meeting.
Jepson also noted that two new stop signs are going up on Mesquite. Everybody will need to get used to them being there.
Jepson also announced changes in the City’s Covid requirements. The recommendations are: 1) Members of the public entering City facilities will be encouraged to wear masks if they are not fully vaccinated. People who have been fully vaccinated can just come on in without masking. 2) Second, City staff within 6 feet of others should offer to put a mask on. 3) Staff are asked to put on a mask when requested to do so. These three items are the entirety of the new Covid requirements.
Aquatic center update
Evelyn Vargas gave an update on the aquatic center project. Since she last spoke to Council, the group has adjusted the center’s maintenance and operations plan. They had originally planned to keep the center open many hours – 14 hours a day, 7 days a week – but have determined to reduce those hours. As a result, projected M&O costs are now $97,000 for the City of Globe, $27,000 for the Town of Miami, and $92,000 for Southern Gila County, based on estimated revenues from the aquatic center of $70,000, conservatively.
This translates into $22,000 in net savings for the City of Globe compared to rehabilitating and operating the community center pool. Miami would save $37,000 compared to the costs of operating a separate pool facility, while the $92,000 would be a new cost for the county.
Vargas pointed out that the aquatic center would have eight regulation competition lanes, while the community pools have fewer lanes and are not regulation length. The aquatic center would also have zero entry, two slides, a diving board, a play structure, and water spouts at zero entry – and the community pools offer none of these features, except that the Globe community center might add a splash pad. The aquatic center would also have a conference and party room and bleachers for spectators, which neither of the community centers offers.
“If we can work together, City of Globe, Town of Miami, and the county, to support the M&O costs, you would be saving money, with a much better pool that would serve all of the population, not just a part of the population.” —Evelyn Vargas
Recognition of Stephanie Mata
Upon her retirement in June, Hon. Judge John Perlman recognized Stephanie “Penny” Mata for 10 years of diligent service to the Magistrate Court and for her valuable expertise and capabilities.
2021-22 budget presentation
Council heard a presentation on the key elements of the city’s 2021-22 budget from City Manager Jepson and Finance Director Jeannie Sgroi.
The budget will include $73,000 to fund Copper Mountain Transit, $13,000 for Globe Girls and Boys Club, $25,000 for the blight remediation fund, and $60,000 of common line budget.
Jepson presented the possibility of the Magistrate Court to be relocated to the county court complex for a savings of $52,000. Security is a major issue in that decision, and there are other factors to be considered. Council will see a full presentation on this at a meeting in the near future.
Bed tax will be distributed in the same way as in the past. Based on an estimate of $145,809 bed tax collected, the Chamber of Commerce and Southern Gila County EDC would each receive $32,807, the Gila County Historical Society would receive $21,871, and the Center for the Arts and the Downtown Association would each receive $29,162.
The next steps in the budget process will be to finalize the baseline general fund budget to match revenue, propose CIP budget items to be funded by the city fund balance, and propose department fixes to be funded by Rescue funds. The process will proceed through June, with a special meeting on June 2 to review line items, and a final budget will be adopted on July 13.
Besh Ba Gowah grant submittal
Jerry Barnes, Engineering Director, and Leana McGill, Museum/Parks and Recreation Manager, presented a grant application for ratification. The application was prepared in just 10 days to meet the submission deadline for a funding opportunity with the National Endowment for the Humanities American Rescue Plan: Humanities Organizations. The $295,000 grant would be used for repairs and maintenance on the outdoor exhibit at Besh Ba Gowah. Without the repairs, the outside exhibit would have to be closed. Council voted to ratify.
City Council vacancy policy
Council discussed and considered a City Council Vacancy Policy for council members and moved it forward to the next meeting. The policy was based on the process that was used at the previous meeting to fill the District 5 vacancy, with a few modifications.
CDBG project selection
Council opened a public hearing with regard to the use of community development block grant (CDBG) funds and the made a final project selection. Approximately $177,000 is available to the City. Council had already chosen five projects for consideration, listed below. Robert Mawson, CAG Community Development Manager was present to answer questions about the CDBG process.
Mawson noted that the city could also apply for state special projects funds in addition to the $177,000 in CDBG funds. The special projects funds are competitive and so are not guaranteed. Globe receives CDBG funds every three years, which are allocated to the region.
1) Purchase of new wildland-urban interface pumper (fire truck)
Gary Robinson, Fire Chief, said the equipment would be designed for fires in communities and forest environments and could serve the city and surrounding forest areas. Total budget would be $450,000. The truck would also generate revenue. City Manager Jepson said it would be better to use a lease option to purchase a Type 3 truck and service the lease through the revenues from the truck.
2) Asbestos abatement and demolition of City-owned buildings
Chris Collopy, Human Resources Director, said this project would involve demolition and stabilization of two properties – the old medical plaza (to be repurposed for the fire department) and the building next to the library. The buildings are continuing to deteriorate. The budget would slightly exceed $177,000. Jerry Barnes, Engineering Director, recommends using special funds for this project instead of CDBG funds.
3) Revitalizing the community center play area
John Angulo, Public Works Director, said the budget for new playground equipment at the community center would be roughly $162,000 including installation. Upgrading the bathrooms would be additional.
Council member Pastor said he has received a lot of encouragement from residents to move forward with the community center. Council member Leetham pointed out that the community needs to invest in parks for the youth of the community. Council member Stapleton opined that work on the parks is long overdue, and he favors work on the community center.
Council member Rios also said that members of the public have approached him to support work on the community center pool, and that this project would have immediate impact. He favors this alternative given that the fire equipment will be funded through some other source.
Council member Shipley also favors funding the park project. Council member Gonzales concurred. He said people are coming to Globe to explore its offerings, and we want to encourage them to come back.
Mayor Gameros also supports investments in recreation, especially as the community is coming out of Covid.
“We need to get a pool in our community…. I hope that we can make a difference for the kids in our community.” —Mayor Al Gameros
4) Health care services victim advocate position
City Manager Jepson noted that this alternative isn’t the best fit for a CDBG because it’s a position rather than a purchase, although it does meet CDBG qualifications. Other funding sources are available for this.
5) Road infrastructure
Jerry Barnes, Engineering Director, said Globe has a 20-year plan to improve the road system. CDBG was an important part of that plan. Some roads – such as 4th Street and 5th Street – need more than chip seal or crack seal. They need asphalt. Also, a large development is going in at the East Street school, and the streets will have to be dug up. This project would be to repave those roads.
Barnes pointed out that three of the proposed projects can be funded from other sources, and the roads and the parks are the two areas that the city has had difficulty funding. City Manager Jepson agreed that often the roads and parks get pushed off the budget, and this has happened over and over.
Council selected the city park revitalization project for the CDBG funds. Mawson indicated that the funds won’t be available until later next year – which implies that, unfortunately, the project probably cannot be finished in time for next summer.
Other actions
Council approved an outlay of $20,244.35 plus 15% owners contingency for the cutter booster #3 replacement project.
Council approved a contract for El Ranchito waterline improvements at a cost of $113,911.61. This is a two-inch water line that runs behind five businesses.
Council also approved spending on sidewalk and parking improvements on Mesquite at Broad Street, for the islands where stop signs will be installed.
Members of the Globe City Council: Mayor Al Gameros, Vice Mayor Mike Stapleton, and council members Freddy Rios, Mike Pastor, Jesse Leetham, Fernando Shipley, and Mariano Gonzales. All members were in attendance.
Full minutes can be found by going to the City Hall website
The Globe City Council meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall. The meetings are currently open to the public at 25% capacity. Members of the public are requested to wear a mask when entering and exiting the Council chambers. Seating is limited to allow for social distancing.
Members of the public can also participate in City of Globe public meetings by viewing on YouTube.
To speak to agenda items before or during the meeting, call or text (928) 200-0154 or email If you desire to speak to the Council during an agenda item, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Council in advance and include your phone number on your request.

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