Pursuant to A. R. S. 9-499.15 and 9-511.01, the City of Globe is providing notice of its intention to increase water and wastewater rates and fees. The City of Globe has prepared a written Water and Wastewater Rate Report dated April 2013 which supports the proposed increase in water and wastewater rates and fees. A copy of the Water and Wastewater Rate Report is available to the public for review and inspection at the office of the Globe City Clerk located at Globe City Hall, 150 N. Pine St., Globe, Arizona 85501.
A Public Hearing on the proposed increase in water and wastewater rates and fees shall be held by the Mayor and Council of the City of Globe on Monday, July 10, 2013 at 6:00 PM at Globe city Hall, 150 N. Pine St., Globe, Arizona, 85501.
The public hearing will be scheduled on the agenda for the purpose of presenting, discussing, and to obtain any comments on the proposed water and wastewater rate increases. Written and verbal comments are welcome at the public meeting. Action on the item will occur after the public hearing, but not sooner than sixty days following the Effective Notice Date of May 7, 2013.
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