Cobre Valley Center for the Arts sits majestically on the corner of Oak and Broad Street
It used to be the home of lawyers, judges and prisoners. It was said that trials were held on the third floor so that prisoners would have ample time to consider the error of their ways as they climbed the stairs to meet their fateful sentences. Today it houses artists and dancers, and hosts community events from theater productions to quilt shows and musical concerts. The transition from Courthouse to Arts Center was due largely to a group of visionary artists and concerned citizens who convince the County to let them take over the building twenty years ago when the County decided to move into a “more modern” facility.

Built in 1906, the Gila County Courthouse was one of the grandest structures in downtown Globe. Built during the hey-day of the towns’ early boom years, it was designed to impress. According to Bill Haak, in his book, “Globe’s Historic Buildings, “Its design was called modern composite, having Egyptian ornamentation and a French Renaissance roof arrangement. Inside features included decorative pilasters, arches, fireproof vaults and high ceilings. And a grand staircase with copper clad railings filled a central atrium.” Over the next seventy years the County modified the interiors to make more offices, covering over much of the buildings’ original grandeur. When they eventually moved out of the Old Courthouse in 1976 into new quarters, the building sat empty, with the exception of sporadic activity on the main floor for nearly 10 years.
That is when a group of concerned citizens and local artists launched a grassroots effort.
The year was 1984 and a small group convinced the County to “give” them the building, in exchange for “fixing it up.” That began what would be a twenty-year labor of love to restore the building to its original grandeur. The group recovered the original floor plan of the building and began tearing out seventy years of remodeling add-ons by the County until they were able to open up the arches and expose the copper-clad staircase with its atrium views. It was back breaking work by an all-volunteer army of artists and local citizens. It was their vision of what “could-be” that keep work going on the building.
Today, the building is known as The Cobre Valley Center for the Arts, and through a process of local contributions, grants and volunteer labor, now houses a collection of artisans including: the local theater group: Copper City Players, a dance Academy, the local Art Guild, the Copper Valley Academy of Music, Cornwell Copper Company and the White Porch. The Center is open seven days a week. Monday – Friday 10am – 5pm and on the weekends, Saturday,Sunday 10am – 4pm.

Writer, photographer. Passionate foodie, lover of good books and storytelling. Lives in Globe. Plays in the historic district. Travels when possible.