SUPERIOR- The Superior Community Working Group (CWG), a volunteer group established to explore issues related to the Resolution Copper Project, will host retired attorney Roger Ferland, at their January meeting on the 22nd. The meeting is held at the Superior Chamber of Commerce from 6pm – 8pm.
The CWG includes residents and stakeholders from the Town of Superior, Queen Valley, Hewitt Station, Globe, Kearny, Winkelman, Hayden, the San Carlos Community and surrounding area. The group deals with the social and environmental issues, science and policy, and the pros and cons of the proposed Resolution Copper Project.
Topics include environmental impacts, health, safety, natural resource issues, engineering, water quality and more.
Led by John Godec, President of Godec, Randall and Associates, the stated goal of CWG is to “understand the issues, not debate.”
Godec, who has been in the business of facilitating effective communication and consensus building for his clients for over 32 years, has focused much of his time in “resolving tough, high stakes issues” where the public is involved. The group meets on the second Wednesday of each month.
January’s speaker
Ferland, who has been recognized by the international Who’s Who of environmental lawyers and Outstanding Disable Veteran of the Year in 2014, has a long career in environmental law. He played a key role in negotiations leading to passage of the Arizona Clean Air Act and helped to craft the methodology smelters in the Southwest still use today for determining air pollution emissions.
Ferland will be discussing the Mining Law of 1872.
The law which authorizes and governs prospecting and mining for economic minerals, such as gold, platinum, and silver, on federal public lands has seen very few changes by Congress in its 134 year existence.
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