Miami Unified is pleased to announce that the State Board of Education awarded us AOI status for Miami Virtual Program (MVP), which will start enrolling students this month. Along with San Carlos’s Shilgozhoo Academy, this will be the only approved online school in southern Gila County.
Miami Virtual Program will begin enrolling students this week, and will accept applications from any student who resides in Arizona.
The Arizona Online Instruction (AOI) Program established in A.R.S. §15-808 allows approved school districts and charter schools to develop online instructional systems to expand learning opportunities for students throughout our state. The State Board of Education approves district AOI programs. (See SBE’s website,, for more details.)
Last spring the state permitted all schools to teach at a distance when we couldn’t have kids on campus, but that permission will expire when students resume face-to-face instruction. Only schools with the AOI designation will be permitted to offer online programs.
A little vocabulary is probably helpful here, because there are some schools claiming to have online programs without state approval.
“On-campus” and “face-to-face” mean the same thing.
“Hybrid” means students spend some of their days on campus and some working from home.
“Distance” means that a student enrolled in a school is working from home because either the school is closed or on a hybrid schedule.
“Online” means the instruction is delivered solely via computer by a school officially designated as an AOI provider.
MVP will be a great experience to those students participating in the online program. We know there are students that struggle to be in a classroom setting and we look forward to offering a solution for all students.

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